Thursday, October 22, 2009

rAcE cAr M0deL..?..

do u ever think about being a race car model...posing in front of the car on the hot sunny day...wif the dress that not look exactly like a dress (dress yg x ckup kain...hihi)....
u noe..2day, i got the opportunity to be the race car model...quiet exciting...muahhahha!! but not wif those sexy dress...we are malay gals race car model...hihi!! of course wif bju kurung...unfortunately, we've got to find the race car by ourself...if not how come we want to be the model without the race car...hahaha!! x lengkap la cmtu...
so in de glorious fren pn g la merayau kat kwsn kafe lme cri race last,we found it...mntap sehh...still in good cndition...klau wat race pn bleh jd juare ag ni...n then dgn fren drive the race car to blok w dri kk3...our car caught the attention of the proud we were...kih3x...then we park the car in wdk28....then, kitorang pn start the photography session....lot of posing babe!! ahaks!!
well, actually guys, kitorng kne present utk BI....konon2 nye kne promote our product which is our race car... race car kitorng tu mmng latest car la...kih3...jename trknal tu....WHEELBARROW...HAHA!! kete sorong je sbnrnye...model kete sorong...kete gak kan...=)

model2 race car..huhuhu!

yg pling x bleh lupe time nak bwk kete 2 ke blok w la...sume org tngok semacam je...well, x ksah la ngn ape tnggapn dorng yg pnting presentation BI dah settled...yuhuhuuuu!!!

Menarik tak?? Sila tekan button LIKE dibawah..TQ


Op Luke said... [jOm Reply]

nice race car..
can i be da driver..

SieRRa183 said... [jOm Reply]

hai op redz!!
nk jd driver?..
no hal...t kntek me...
sign contract officially...hahaha!!