Sunday, April 21, 2024


 Seperti Aidilfitri tahun2 yang lepas, tahun ni juga aku tak melepaskan peluang untuk berkongsi gambar2 raya kami sekeluarga. Tahun ni kami beraya di Perak je. Kakak sulung aku bersalin anak pertama masa minggu kedua Ramadhan yang lepas dan berpantang di Perak. Jadi kami pun terpaksalah beraya di sini. InshaaAllah, ade rezeki raya Aidiladha nanti kami pulang ke kampung tercinta di Kelantan.


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Saturday, April 20, 2024

Harapan Buat Bumi Al-Aqsa

Genap hari ini merupakan Syawal yang ke-12 dalam tahun 1445H bersamaan 20 April 2024. Sejujurnya, bermula 1 Syawal lagi, hati dan perasaan ini berasa sepi, sedih menyambut Syawal tahun ini. Bila mana, saudara-saudara kita di Al-Quds sana masih lagi berlapar, dibantai dan dibunuh hampir setiap saat. Namun begitu, sinar kesyukuran masih menerangi dalam hati dan jiwa ini dengan segala nikmat dan rahmat Islam yang Allah kurniakan pada hamba-Nya yang beriman. Pembebasan dan kemerdekaan buat bumi Al-Aqsa akan terus berada dalam doa kami. Sesungguhnya, sinar Islam itu semakin terang tatkala melihat keteguhan, kesabaran dan dalamnya iman penduduk2 bumi Al-Quds. Kanak-kanak yang sekecil-kecil 3-5 tahun sudah hafaz Al-Quran, lebih mendalam dan teguhnya iman di dada mereka tak setanding kanak2 yang membesar di bumi yang merdeka. Aku kagum dengan ibu bapa disana biarpun berada dalam penjara terbesar didunia, di sekat daripada hidup seperti manusia yang lain, Islam itu masih menjadi bimbingan utama buat anak-anak mereka dan Al-Quran sentiasa berada dalam genggaman mereka. Mereka lah yang mengajar aku erti sabar, yang menunjukkan aku indahnya Islam dan berkongsi rasa betapa manisnya nikmat Islam dan iman itu. Setiap hari, hati ini berasa sakit, sedih bila melihat kemusnahan kawasan tempat tinggal mereka, kemasukan bantuan dihalang, hospital, masjid, sekolah dibom, dibakar. Namun rasa lagi perit bila kita tak mampu nak membantu saudara2 kita disana. Hanya mampu melihat sahaja. 

Ya Allah, bantulah mereka. Kenyangkanlah mereka yang kelaparan, hilangkan rasa haus mereka, hangatkanlah tubuh mereka yang kedinginan, angkatlah rasa perit dalam hati dan jiwa mereka. Bantulah mereka Ya Allah, Tuhan yang Maha Perkasa, Maha Memaksa dan Maha Membalas. 

Aku yakin satu hari nanti, bumi Al-Aqsa akan dibebaskan. Allah sedang membimbing kita dengan kesabaran, keteguhan dan keimanan dalam menghadapi masa yang mendatang yang pasti akan lebih perit. Semoga iman di dada kita tidak goyah atau rapuh walau dilanda dengan ujian yang sangat dahsyat. Aminnn...InshaaAllah

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Saturday, April 6, 2024

Things I have Learnt and I Realised I Couldn't Turn Back the Time

 I am so happy to see the post that have been written in my Notes is save. I got a chance to revive my "A" account and fortunately the post inside is safe and sound. And so I am here resuming my writing. So today, I am going to speak about things that I have learnt.

Next time...if you do not want to hurt someone else or being hurt by someone, please learn well and remember these notes. Hopefully, these advise will going to help others as well.

Once you realised the good vibe that started to happen. Instead of sharing your SOCMED. Firstly, ask a meet up...eyes to eyes contact are really important. We are in a virtual age where we thought we can get to know anyone, but the truth is we still need a physical meet up where the most genuine feeling is developed. Let both of you see each other well physically. Natural and real vibe without imagination and thought only is really help actually so please do not afraid, raised up to meet.

Secondly...If after the meeting/eyes to eyes contact, you feel unpleasant, be honest and tell the truth. However, if you feel a strong chemistry and good connection, then you can share your SOCMED. That way, you can get to know each other well, sharing and chatting all the good things through it. I bet you must be more comfortable as you have met before. 

Thirdly...Do not keep a connection or a chemistry that started to enhance between both of you without any name or status. Believe me, it is hard to communicate when you do not know your status to each other. The key for a successful relationship is a communication with a clear purpose. Or else, without the existence form of that "relationship", it would make the conversation hardly to be generated. Both of you instead of reacted accordingly ended up being silent and keep waiting for each other to react because the fear on the outcoming that may come around being one-sided. That is why being ghosted happened. Especially for those introverts and an overthinkers. 

Fourthly...If you fall deeper with each other, be bold, be brave and be opened to always move forward. Take the risk. Do not keep it inside yourself. Remember to be genuine with your own feeling and your main purpose is (to have a legit relationship) to get married ASAP. Do not afraid to give advice if you find any behaviour or action that is wrong directly or indirectly. A good person would always be able to accept with open heart the advise that has been given if they have a big heart. They would always be able to reflect themself. Who knows your advise would be a turning change to them. 

Fifthly...this is the most important thing, when you have confirm and affirmative with your status, the good feeling inside as you are getting close to each other will find its' own pace in making both of you to be opened, to be more communicative and supportive. InshaaAllah, in the end of the day, you will accept each other strength and flaws magnificiently.


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