Saturday, May 28, 2022

Aidilfitri 2022 (Syawal 1443H)

Today is 27th Syawal, fast forward from the unexpected first day of raya. There were a lot of photos I wanna share from day 30 Ramadhan 1443H until day 7 Syawal 1443H. But I am more comfortable to share in here. So dear my beloved reader(s), stalker or maybe secret admirer (ade ke? 😅) out there if you happened to read my entry. I guess you are lucky enough. I am not sharing my raya photos anywhere else, neither in IG, nor in FB or in Whatsapp.

My journey way back to kampung in Kg. Keseng, Kuala Besar had taken place a day before unexpected date of raya was announced the night before. We left Sungkai after dawn at 8.00am on 1 May 2022. Luckily, we left earlier that morning. Packed up all the baju raya and then, loaded in car after Subuh. The weather that morning is very beautiful, with the sun shone brightly and the heat as calm as it seem. It was a very smooth journey. We chose to use alternative route rather than usual expressway to avoid traffic congestion which might slowed down our journey. And Alhamdulillah, our wise choice never been wrong. We arrived at Kampung after 12 hours trip. Let us stop writing and let us start uploading my favourite raya photos. 

These are the photos before our departure on 30 Ramadhan 1443H (1 May 2022). Just in front our lovely "Villa"

These are the photos on the first day of Raya 1 Syawal 1443H (2 May 2022). I was with my third youngest cousin, Azraf and also with my ayahcik's family and maklang. Actually, I have proposed my family the theme colour for raya this year was white but my sister did not approved so that was why the white has change to increase its intensity a bit to nude gold. (Maybe I can reuse this baju raya for my "Bertunang" or maybe "akad nikah"...Aminnnn hehehe 😁)

These are the photos that we have made time to visit our close relatives around Kota Bharu. We have made to visit a total of 4 houses for that day. They are my granny's besan & siblings which are my Tok2 saudara.

House No. 1

House No. 2

House No. 3

House No. 4

This is a special selfie photo with my adorable Makteh

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