Saturday, January 30, 2010

tHe mOsT emPtiEst pLaCEs......

U noe what...i Juz found the most emptiest places on the earth...haha!!! what's that ya!!!

it is L to the I to the B to the R to the A to the R to the Y....yeayy!!


yesterday...i had no i decided to go to library....alone!! my friends didn't wanna go...they said...."nak g library....maleh ar...jaoh sngt lar...cri dlm tenet pn bleh.." so what can i do...i couldn't forced them....huhhh!! (sigh*) watever my friends....i can go alone..(sulking)=(

when i stepped my feet inside the lib...i was mesmerized...haha!! ( cam lar 1st tyme msuk...ayt x leh blaa) i can see only the workers at the counter n a few was totally empty...i took my port upstair...on the front of the tv...i was soO damnly comfortable...i luv it coz there's no one there and i hate crowded...i was doing my job while watching Ceplos...kakaka!! mmng kaw2g selesa lar....n then suddenly...the lib worker put the newspaper for today on the table juz in front of me...wahhh!! lg lar best...paper bru lak tu...(dh lme x jmpe paper..jakun ckit)..i spend about 2 hours there....9-11am..i can't stay longer there coz i had a test at i need to prepare...and that the moment i found another most emptiest place...

the second place for the most emptiest places goes to

My hEart.....

euwww....look at that pic...dats how my heart look like...but is empty....huhu!! i can feel there's nothin' inside it anymore...i feel damnly fucking disappointed...wif the test...i computer driving test was failed...i'm a looser....all of my friends that took the test wif me...passed wif flying colour but me??....wawawawawa!!! (T.T)..i was studied hard b4 i'm taking the test...burn my midnight oil but but in the end...i failed... is this bcoz of karma...naahh!! 4get bout dat..i dun believe it....i will take this test back next week...wish me luck...mybe ur pray will bring me success...insyaAllah...i hope so....


gO Go cHAiyoK!!

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Friday, January 22, 2010

sO yOu tHinK yOu cAn sPeaK.....?

I juz found something bout my words....i mean the things that i say....speak or utter....some might hurt people and some might impressed people....but most of the time,we say something that make people uneasy with us.....As for me, i really cautious on the thing that i say....that's why i try to filter so many words untill there are no words come out from my mouth....i juz made a list of 10 reasons why i hate to speak...

1. i don't want people to get hurt becoz of my words
2. i don't want people to keep away from me becoz of my words

3. i don't want people to ignore me becoz of my words

4. i don't want people pushing me aside becoz of my words

5. i don't want people to keep a grudge toward me becoz of my words

6. i don't want people misunderstand me becoz of my words

7. i don't want people doubt with me becoz of my words

8. i don't want people feel uncushy with me becoz of my words

9. i don't want people to fool me around becoz of my words

10. i don't want people to underestimate me becoz of my words

such a lot of reasons why i refuse to speak.....i more tend to be a listener and a writer....maybe dats the best thing i can do.....rather than speak....if u give me two choices between doing bungee jumping and giving a speech....i rather choose bungee jumping....speaking is the most terrifying things to me....
so don't ask me to speak......

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Result....>>>

over all....the result is failed....i don't noe what kind of concrete is these....too many honeycomb maaa....manyak teruk lar.....klau jatuhkan ke lntai mmng pecah berderai lar konkrit prediction yesterday was right....jeles lak tngok grup len wat mnjadi......adoi...grup aq kne curse kot...wawawawawa!! (T.T)

this is curing process....done in order to maintain proper moisture and temperature to ensure the continuous hydration in gaining strength of the concrete....
haha!! ayt sejibik cam dlm buku....juz a little info lar... nak lbey2 aq bkn nye pro pn.....stakat tau bsic jela....

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Friday, January 15, 2010

LeT miX tHe cOncReTe.......!!!

Time: 8.00am-12.oopm
Date: 15/01/2010
Venue: FKASA LAB 2 (fkulti kjuruteraan awam & sumber alam)
Experiment: Concrete Mix Design/D.O.E
Lecturer: Mdm. Norzamzila bt Mustafa

Before i start...u better take a pen n paper to jot down....well...who noes maybe in emergency case u need to mix the concrete....saving ar ckit hire workers need extra better if u mix the concrete...The ingredients u need:
1. cement
2. sand for fine aggregates
3. gravels for course aggregates
4. water...H2O
5. admixture
but in my admixture coz it juz an experiment..

1. all the ingredients are weighted according to the D.O.E table calculation....agak ssah la coz aq x ske mengira...leceh...kakaka!!

2. next....put the ingredients one by one into a large aluminium tray except for water.....mix all the ingredient well...

3. after that,make a hole in the middle of the materials...then pour the water into the hole.....once again mix them well..make sure the material are well mixed....tyme nk mnggaul ni la ssah ckit...mmng nmpk buruh2 binaan kt luar sne tu gaul cam snng ble wat sndri...fuhh!! ssah i understood how hard their work actually...don't underestimate them....hehe!!

4. now testing tyme....there are 3 test to be carry out....vebe test,slump test n compacting factor test...but all the tests seem to be failed....konkrit x mnepati ciri yg di designed according to the D.O.E table....

Vebe test.....

5. when all the test had been's the time to put the concrete into the beam mould,cylinder mould and cube mould....but b4 dat....some oil(i dun noe what kind of oil) is applied into the internal part of the mould to make sure the concrete is easily remove when it is hardened...

6. the concrete is tamped uniformly over the cross section of the layer using the tamping rod...dis is the most important part during concreting to prevent honeycomb....mksudnye...x nak kasi konkrit nnti ade lobang2....x kukuh la klau cm2...

khusyuk dok mnggaul....nak letak dlm acuannye....

7. lastly,leave the concrete....biarkan konkrit tu mngeras sndri....

ni lar konkrit yg hmpir x keras ag...sok bru bleh bkak acuannye.... x sabar asenye nak tngok hasilnya....weeehiiii!!!!

=) x sangka la plak...dah siap satu report utk eng lab ni...kakaka!!! smangt je aq wat....over acting pn ade....huahaha!!

=D the moral of this report is nak bncuh konkrit ni bkn cm nk wat kek ye adik2...konkrit ni utk wat bngunan...klau salah bncuh...clap2 bleh runtuh tau bngunan....spe nak tnggung krugian...klau rugi je tape ni nnti ade plak nyawa yg kpd bakal civil engineer....bncuh la konkrit dngn pnuh teliti ek...jngn smpai termimpi2...huhuhu!!!

~SeLAMaT MEncUba~

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

4 vOluMEs oF LiFe JouRnAL

a life journal....?? naaa...i don't keep it....what a lame......

that's the common answers i got from my friends when asking bout journal a.k.a diary.....but i noe a lot of people out there keep a especially....

during my school days...each of the student must have a journal for their english subject.....including me....but many of my friends didn't like it....they started to mumbling when my teacher ask to submit their journal.....ade yg bleh pass2 journal msing2 utk dtnjukkan kat cikgu english ksyngan aq dlu...Mr. Paul Gordon....a canadian....lawak la bile ingat blik tyme skolah dolu2....but not for me....i luv to write....i write to pour my heart expand my jot down all the motivational keep all my secrets....and also to draw sumthings....all my idea generates here in my journal....meh cni aq knalkn diari aq satu2....

wokeyh...dis is my 1st diary...i used it during school....i wrapped it wif SP poster...nmpak buruk ckit sbb dah lame pon...inside it i write all my bittersweet in SEMESTI....

next is my PLKN diary....i decorated the diary b4 i went to PLKN....look nice isn't it?? inside it i write all the story during my national service program...i write everyday...dalam kelambu plak tu...after light off...hehe!! x de koje kot aq ni....

ni pon mse kat PLKN bli buku ni kat kedai dlm kem PLKN tu....ingt nak wat buku alamat 4 all my friends there...but at last it became a diary too...dalam ni bnyk quotes yg besh2...yg aq dpt dri sms kwn2 aq...

last but not least....the latest balut cntik2 buku ni...siap balut ngn plastik ag tu...pstu ade 7 gmbar smiley...each of them represent my feelings....dats always change everyday.....sedih...suka...mnympah...marah....keliru...angau....kecewa....pendek kate sume ade ar....
thats all bout my journals....nothing special...juz sharing....sharing is caring ryte!! hehe!!

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

oN tHe siTe........!!

this pic was taken before i went to site yesterday.....not really a site situated juz inside UMP....
my 1st lab task...linear survey...thought it was easy as i had learned during lecture...but it was so exhausted and hard task...theory and practical is totally two different thing...

tyme ni bleh la lagi senyum....belum start task lagi...bila dah dapat task...baru tau....fuhhh!!
punye lar pnat...nsib baik ari mendung je...nak hujan...sejuk je...klau tngh panas...adoi!! mau burn kulit ni...

kinah, prima, ieymah, and also ain.....

ni lar site kteorang....semangat je ieymah mngukur....go go chaiyok ieymah...!!
boleh jadi eng. berkaliber ni....amiiinnnn.....

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Sunday, January 3, 2010

pEarL oF The YeaR 2010

" Harta yang paling untung SABAR,
Teman yang paling akrab AMAL,
Pengawal yang paling waspada DIAM,
Bahasa yang paling indah SENYUM..."

nothing much i would like to share...juz a few words i got from someone on i posted it's meaningful for me...
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