Monday, October 19, 2009

30 hOuRs.....

during last weekend...17 and 18 Oct. 2009..i had a camp 4 briged siswa...took only 30 was full wif quiet extreme activities...i really luv it...i learned a lot of thing there wif new experiences, new friends from different faculty and new perception....about 105 guys and 58 gals joined this camp...

my 1st thought 4 dis camp was boring wif the same activities...but then i realised that i was wrong on my 2nd was fun and and really challenging..the most tough activity was the night sound crazy that we need to hike at night but dis is the fun thing that i juz said...i can say that i was the best hiker among the gals in my group...the guys also were amazed wif my achievement...bkn nk ckp bsar!! juz want to tell u the truth...hahaha!! lg pn,b4 ni aq dah bnyk kali i've got my own technique to hike...mmng mncabar lar dngn kawasan yg slippery sbb slalu sngt ujan lately...

during hiking, we need to carry two periuk bsar dngn 1 snduk...but i really2 thanks to the guys in my group...dorng lar yg ssah payah carry dat periuk along..not only dat...dorang mmng protect gals gler2 la...hahaha!! best plak rsenye ade org protect...even they didn't know us but they were very helpful...people say that dis is bcoz of the teamwork...tq guys...hope to c u again next time...yg cdeynye...x smpat nak brknalan...even nme pn aq x tau...haiz!! hihi..

time nk g n blik plak...we need to ride on was a real bumpy ride journey..the road to the camp site was in a real bad tar at all..luckily, my pelvic girdle has no fracture on the ride...huhu!!...klau x kitorng sume dah pakat nk wat x-ray nk tngok ade fracture ke x...hohoho!!!
pnting woo...aset tu....hahaha!!
kwn2 ku dlm lori...haha!!

even after the camp my body had some bruise and lenguh2 bdn ckit tp i felt puas...slagi bdn x skit aq x kn rse lar kepuasan cmping bg aq...sakit tu mnguatkn aq lg...and aq jarang gne ubat klau sakit...coz i want to train my imune system to be stronger...ble ade pnyakit dtg x dela dier lembik je nak lawan...of coz jd warriornye la...hahaha!! insyaallah...bdan yang sihat ialah bdn yg x perlukan ubat!! yeah...that's it...=p kih3x...

Menarik tak?? Sila tekan button LIKE dibawah..TQ


YoshaMaDa said... [jOm Reply]


Exam minggu depan.
Tapi lepas ni tak update dulu la.
Just reply komen je.
Itu pun reply kat blog orang yang komen tuh.. Camni la..

Takde idea nak tulis apa.
Lagipun, baik fikir sal exam dulu.
Dapatkan Dean's List dulu.
Baru fikir sal blog..

Harap dapat la..
Kecewa giler kut masa kat matrik dulu.
Lecturer sini pun da nampak kite nye ability..
Sampaikan die tergelak bile kite dapat teruk giler kuiz calculus.
Bayangkan je la.. Cam tak wat apa2.. Dapat markah hampeh. Soalan senang lak tu..

SieRRa183 said... [jOm Reply]

insyaallah...ko leh doakan ko dpt dean's list..jgn men2 ag tau...fokus!! hehe!
all de best my dear fren...

rAy jR...@...Aliff said... [jOm Reply]

huuu..still remember those days when I had my bridged siswa...tough, happening...mse2 freshy ni la byk pglaman yg mnis2..0ne day u'll remember those memories...hehehe

SieRRa183 said... [jOm Reply]

hehe!! yap...memories during skul pn still fresh in my mind...skul life is the best compare wif uni life...luv those memories...