Saturday, March 4, 2023


Recently, I became aware that Mr. I was trying to have a deep conversation with me. He gave me quotes, advice, and fun facts, which made me feel like he was really into me (I know, it's a bit conceited of me).

I think Mr. I is really cute, and his conversations always make me smile from dawn until sunset. However, recently our conversations have turned into something more serious and complex. They are full of disappointment, heartbreak, narcissism, and misunderstandings. I cannot bear to receive all of these negative feelings, which leave me feeling suffocated and with a heavy heart. My heart feels like an empty space that is weighed down by an indescribable burden.

I have no heart to offer. I lost it in my journey, and it's been a long, lonely road. It is empty, but the burden it carries is massive.

Thanks to ChatGPT for providing me with better words.

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