Friday, March 19, 2010

gAy or MaCho....

now...everyone check ur fingers...doesn't matter u r a boy or a gal...boleh je nk cek...sbb bg pemahaman aq lar...macho means brave n being gentleman...but gay in the other word means a pnah tengok citer ape tah...pelakon tu ckp...

HeY dude...You're such a gay!!!

i thought dat he was a homo...but then i realised that he mentioned of being coward...bru lar aq tau....

so pasni...korang tarik la jari manis korang tu kasi jadi panjang ek...haha!!x ksah la tarik ngn playar ke...wat plastic surgery ke...asal kn tergolong dlm golongn macho...x gitu?? ke ade yg nk jadi gay...terpulang lar pd empunye dri...i juz check mine...and the result is....
mesti lar macho....hehe!!
Menarik tak?? Sila tekan button LIKE dibawah..TQ


rAy jR...@...Aliff said... [jOm Reply] mcm dlm facebook ni..hehehehe...

SieRRa183 said... [jOm Reply]
