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NeVeR LeT dE sPiriT DiE...kEeP tHem aLIVe..... bowrinkkk.....and.....annoyinkk....
Saturday, October 16, 2010
a pReSenT is A sYMboL of ApPreCiaTioN??
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Monday, July 12, 2010
TiMe's uP...jUniOr no more!!
pagi Isnin yang agak indah meneruskan pengajian aq di tahun i'm not a junior anymore....huahahaha!!! (gelak cam setan)...sukanya aq....time nak pergi kelas pagi tadi pun adalah 2,3 orang budak2 junior bertumpang tanya...macam biasalah...kelas kat mana???....agak terpinga-pinga dorang aq tengok...lawak pun ada...siap boleh mark lagi tu...tu tu, budak baru tu....haha!!(sambil menunjuk-nunjuk ke arah sekumpulan pelajar lelaki yang smart berkemeja siap bertie)... mentang2 lah aq dah 2nd year skarang...boleh plak aq kutuk2 dorang...well..bende ni biasalah bagi aq...since high school beb...semua orang camtu lar aq rasa...suka kutuk2 junior....yang junior pun sama...mesti kutuk2 senior gak...lumrah alam....what u give u get back...tapi aq x join dengar dorang kutuk je...kuikuikui!!
first class aq ari ni ialah...kelas academic technical report...cehh...bunyi cam gempak je...bolehlah tahan kegempakannya...lecturer baru aq ni bukan calang2 orang...speaking london beb....haizz...tak boleh jadi kena practice speaking london plak pasni.....hehe!! baget je aq ni...bila suruh present kat depan tak boleh...bila mumbling sorang2 boleh strange....time tu lah banyak ayat best aq yang keluar...nak bangga diri jap...( sambil mengurut-ngurut dagu ku) kehkehkeh!!!
booboo bucuk......
comel tak anak aq sekor pun ade anak telinga besar....a kitten name bubu, dubu, ubu, abu, gebu...banyakkan namanya....biasalah...anak aq sekor ni tak penah buat surat beranak....letak je la seberapa banyak nama yang aq nak....nama manja katakan....sangat2 manja ngan aq...agak kesedihan dan kemenangisan bila terpaksa meninggalkan bubu....huhuhu! (T.T)
aq memang sayang binatang...lebih2 lagi kucing...
ni fakta:
aq tengok dalam channel NatGeo ari tu....sebenarnya kucing ni dapat merendahkan tekanan darah kita bila kita usap badan kucing tu tau...kat luar negara dah ada buat terapi ngan kucing dah pun...kat sini je orang malaysia kebanyakannya tak suka tak boleh la buat terapi ngan kucing ni....even aq pun...klau mesti suka peluk anak aq ni....bila dengar bunyi purrrr die tu membuatkan aq rasa tenang...Rasulullah SAW dulu pun sangat sayangkan kucing....i bet most of the people know about that famous story right...tak payah la aq cerita ada lagi pic bubu....pengubat kerinduan aq....hehe!!!
oh my gebu!!!
hahaha!!! pic ni terserlah kecapangan anak aq ni....macam telinga anjing chihuahua tu plak....mak dan aq suka sangat tarik telinga die....tu sebab bertambah capang tu...hehehe!!!
My inkHeart : aq tengah mencuba untuk menulis dalam versi formal plak....atas nasihat kawan
aq yang suka menulis tu...kali ni banyak la plak cerita aq....just cerita berbasi-basa
(eh...btol ke perkataan ni???) XD....banyak sangat baca novel cuti ari tu...ayat pun
nak terikut-ikut ayat novel....huhu!!
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Friday, June 25, 2010
heyy!!! tHAt's mY nAMe.....
hehe!! i found a lot of my name....SIERRAMAS...and also D'SARA (damansara)...i was so excited to see my name...well not usually to found out my name on the roadside...
aq jarang g anta adik agak kejakunan bila aq nampak name aq kat papantanda tepi jalan a conclusion...
aq bangga dengan nama aq....wawawa!!
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Saturday, June 19, 2010
pagi semalam kan aq mimpi best lar....trbwk2 di jaga terjaga pagi tu terus real ingat memang btol2...tapi rupe2 nye...mimpi plak...hampehhhh.... mimpi kawan skolah menengah aq dlu...i dunno y i dream bout her...she my bff...maybe long time no c so she appeared in my dream....dah x ingat nak tulis ape...sebab semalam punye mimpi pon mimpi ni bukan boleh ingat sume pon...just certain part i remember...the rest just in my blurry state....
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Sunday, May 23, 2010
beRakhirnya keGelapan....
once in a blue moon...cehhh!!!
recently...time pg2 bute org len dok cbuk lak cbuk tngok hana yori dango...kat mysoju....mmng citer lme...bru skrng aq nk tngok...versi korea bru abis tngok...skrng aq ngh demam ngn domyouji tsukasa yg ensem tu...gakui ngn versi taiwan n korea ag ske versi jepun...sbb mamat2 nye..x dela jamboo sngt mcm versi korea tu...nmpak ag mmng gler ngn mamat jpun...sbb style rmbut dorang sume klau tngok laki...first thing yg aq akn tngok rmbut...cehhh...pcah rahsia aq....huhu...
sok aq ade presentation...utk ari last survey camp harap klau tetibe aq yg terpilih kne leh wat sehabis bek...i'm not that great in speaking....that the fact thing bout ade masalah keyakinan dri...soh la aq wat mnde jgn soh aq berckp...sbb aq x leh...
nnti aq tergagap...lbey2 ag ngn org yg bru aq knal...that the biggest problem i having rite now....
adoii...tbe2 ase ngntok la plak...i need to sleep...mate aq brat sngt skrng ni...x smpt kot nk smbung tngok citer hana yori dango...nnti2 lar...zzzzz
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Monday, May 17, 2010
MiSs tHe oLd oNE....
back to the main point...i juz wanna share some of my old one...nothing much juz the pics of my old....even juz a few days i left it..but i already miss it that much...kalau bleh aq nak setia pada yg satu...tapi x bleh...i need to change ROOM...rite now i'm already in my new room....leaving behind the old one that kept a thousands of memories and noltalgia...a life of mine as a junior...
p/s: aq still kat u sekarang ade srveying camp seminggu....x sabar nak blik umah...nk enjoyyy!!!! nak blik umahhhhh!!!
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Monday, April 26, 2010
MBLAQ de best..!!
are u ready my frens...?? lets go...
o yeah...o yeah...o yeah..yeah....yeah....i'm feeling good.....
i'm addicted to this group...MBLAQ...Music Boys Live in Absolute Quality.....dah cam org giler aq exam...bkak lak smbil buku trbukak bleh la mata dok concentrate kat video ni...ase cam nak ikut mnari...lebih2 ag tngok mamat pkai spek itam tu rain..upe2 nye bukan...hehe!! optical illusion gler...
time ngah exam surveying td bleh plak aq oh yeah...oh yeah...dlm dewan len sume bertungkus lumus mnyiapkan soklan like a piece of cake tu...cehhh..bjet....ssah nak mampos lar...formula tengential angle dah terlupe...bleh plak aq o yeah..o yeah...
aq x bpe tau members grup ni sebab aq bru je knal grup ni....ngah mncari2 vdeo suju ngn b2st...ttbe trnmpak list grup ni kat you tube...x sangke la gak....ntah bpe kali aq ulang tngok vdeo ni...x bosan....sebab dorang mnari gempak....klau kat umah dah ikot mnari sme ni...hahaha!!
well....dis vdeo i dedicated to all my frens espeacially mr. juni who goin' to leave soon...o yeahhh... haha!!! whoever mr. juni is...i like him...he's bro...aja2 fighting!!..
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Wednesday, April 14, 2010
NotHing ImPosSibLe to a WiLLing HeaRt...
" ada masanya anak adam itu merasakan bebannya memberat.....masa seolah-olah menghambat, fikirannya terjerat, tidak tahu apa yang perlu dibuat...seolah dirinya tersesat...tapi ingatlah pada pemilik segala zat...selagi kita berusaha kuat...kejayaan pasti di penamat...mungkin tiada di dunia...tapi di akhirat.....sesungguhnya...itula nikmat terhebat...moga usahamu tidak sekerat..agar kejayaan menjadi milikmu....wahai sahabat..."
all de best...break a leg and gud hard don't break your parents heart....
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Saturday, April 3, 2010
BeNci p0L1s@s...boleh x klau nk bom???
p/s : maafkan aq atas keterlamjuran kata2 ku.....dan gmbr2 yg aq dah edit lar hasil work art brdasarkan kegeraman aq....maafkan aq lg skali...
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Friday, April 2, 2010
jUz iGnoRe....
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Friday, March 19, 2010
gAy or MaCho....
HeY dude...You're such a gay!!!
i thought dat he was a homo...but then i realised that he mentioned of being coward...bru lar aq tau....
so pasni...korang tarik la jari manis korang tu kasi jadi panjang ek...haha!!x ksah la tarik ngn playar ke...wat plastic surgery ke...asal kn tergolong dlm golongn macho...x gitu?? ke ade yg nk jadi gay...terpulang lar pd empunye dri...i juz check mine...and the result is....
mesti lar macho....hehe!!
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010
SuRpRise PaRty....?
tp x leh...
ooo..btw...bout the surprise party....actually...x de pon...a surprise party 4 me is only happen if my parents pay a visit here...but...impossible mom will come to pahang...juz to celebrate my birthday...i should realise that...n never hope 4 anything...klau lar btol mak n ayah aq nk dtg weekend snggup cncel sume rancangan aq sb2 n ahad ni..termasok lar x g wataniah...even mnggu ni ade abseiling pon x pe snggup korban kn...n bout my license snggup tangguh kan...'s ok...what can i do...let me feel neglected n abondoned here....ape bleh buat...blaja punye pasal...i juz wish all my fairytale dream will come true...a never ending happily ever after...
" As written in blog i read from friends near and far...
we move from one place to another...bringing along sweet memories
and hopes which we want to share...Like a speck of dust blowing
in the wind....we search for uncertainties and direction for our future....
One day we will realise that making mistake is part of growing up...
Whether we like it or not...we have to make our choice and face all the
obstacles in continuing thie inevitable journey...A journey which will
take us to a new place and which will take us"
H.O.M.E x ayat ni...well ni ayat lynn dlm citer KAMI the tkar ckit2 aytnye...dlm episode 2...yg tag citer nye...
"HIDUP INI MEMANG PALAT TAPI ESOK MASIH ADA"...ayatnye dalam aq g salin subtitle dpt lar BI nye...hehe!!x de keje dah aq...jmpe je ayat best2...
tlis dlm buku...i'm addicted to words...
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Tuesday, March 16, 2010
KoNsert AbAng PeJal iN HerE...
yeay2!!.....bulan 4 ni ada konsert abg pejal...seronok nyeee!! hahaha!! poyo abis lar aku...tiket pun tak beli lagi....nak tunggu last minit...tengok2 kang..tiket habis lak...melepas aku nak tengok abang pejal live in concert...ada orang cakap muka abang pejal ni sebijik macam ayah dia...encik tahir....encik tahir ni bukan calang2 orang...profesor tu...tapi aku tak penah nampak pun....aku yang malas nak cari...atau pun....dia dah tukar kot....aku pun tak tau...wallah hualam...
tengah fikir ni..nak pergi ke tak nak ek...dahlah hari tu aku terlepas nak tengok mini jam...bab2 konsert ni kalau boleh memang la nak pergi...tapi aku tanya kawan2 aku...nak pergi ke tak nak...semua geleng...taulah dah biasa pergi konsert...tak macam aku ni hah!! tak penah pergi mana2 konsert lagi...ehh!! jap2...konsert nasyid penah lar...kalau lar ada yan sekarang ni mesti bestkan...yan..bila nak pergi gig sama2..hehe!!
apa pros and cons kalau aku pergi:
1. bila lagi aku nak pergi konsert abg pejal...dah ada peluang takkan nak lepas kot
2. tapi assignment banyak...nanti duduk kat konsert tu asyik ingat assignment je
3. duit ada lagi ke ni nak beli tiket...
4. bawa manfaat ke tak pada aku ek...
5. kalau aku pergi..tak payahlah aku susah2 nak keluar...jalan kaki pun dah sampai
konsert tu...kompleks sukan je pun...huahuahua!!
6. final exam dah nak ke konsert??
7. kalau crowded2 ni aku tak biasa sangat..
8. X__X
nantilah aku fikir dalam-dalam...confuse aku...macam mane ni...
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Thursday, March 11, 2010
a StoRy of WeAlth, LoVe and SucCesS III
ok2...let's continue ouR story...
The woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband was overjoyed. "How nice!", he said. "Since that is the case, let us invite WEALTH. Let him come and fill our home with WEALTH!"
His wife disagreed. "My dear, why don't we invite SUCCESS?"
Their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the house. She jumped in her own suggestion: "Would it not be better to invite LOVE? Our home will then filled with LOVE!"
"Let us heed our daughter-in-law's advice," said the husband to his wife.
"Go out and invite LOVE to be our guest."
The woman went out and asked the three old men, "Which one of you is LOVE? Please come in and be our guest."
LOVE got up and started walking toward the house. The other two old men also got up and followed him. Surprised, the lady asked WEALTH anh SUCCESS: "I only invited LOVE, why are you coming in?"
The old men replied together: "If you had invited WEALTH or SUCCESS, the other two of us would've stayed out, but since you invited LOVE, wherever He goes, we go with him.
Wherever there is LOVE, there is also WEALTH and SUCCESS.
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a StoRy of WeAlth, LoVe and SucCesS II we go...
A woman came out of her house and saw three old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them. She said "I don't think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat."
"Is the man of teh house home?", they asked.
"No", she replied. "He's out."
"Then we cannot come in", they replied.
In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened.
"Go tell them I am home and invite them in!"
The woman went out and invited the men in.
"We do not go into a House together," they replied.
"Why is that?" she asked.
One of the old men explained: " His name is Wealth," he said pointing to one of his friends, and said pointing to another one, "He is Success, and I am Love." Then he added, "Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home?"
wait....!! i am tired write all of this story again..actually...i cannot copy and paste dis i need to type back...i will continue after this....mybe tomorrow....i wanna sleep....don't worry..i'll never break my promise....okey dokie...tadaaaa!!
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a StoRy of WeAlth, LoVe and SucCesS
aik....x leh paste plak dah....opps sorry guys...i'll post it later...i'll type it back.....
to be continue...!!
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kEkeriNgaN + KekOntaNgaN
mmng pon...mcm2 pnyakit aq dpt dlm keadaan kekeringan ni...skarang ni pon dah musin jerebu...kne ape bleh buat...dah mmng tanngungjawab aq sbgai pelajar awam utk terdedah pd bahang matahari...ulser pon da smakin merebak...nak senyum pon da x leh dah...sakettt woookk...yg plik nye...dlm keadaan panas giler ni aq bleh kne selesema....tekak ase kering n gatal2...ermmm...should i go to UKP juz to check out my health condition...??
ase malas la plak nk g cek2 nk pcah rekod x nk g UKP for the whole of my studying period...i mean for another 3 years....insyaallah...bleh kot...5 tahun aq kat skolah dlu x pnah skali pon aq g hospital...kat matrik pon i bleh pertahan kan rekod aq....doakan aq x nk saket...biar la saket ati je...pelan2 bleh kalau badan da saket...kebarangkalian nk sembuh tu susah kot...nak blaja pon susah.... birthday is coming up...but i never felt anything special bout it...kelahiran aq ke dnia ni 20 tahun yg lpas x bemakne ape2 klau aq x leh jd someone....kadang2 aq trpk gak...what is the purpose of me born into dis world...yet...i still being grateful to be living in dis world and experiencing many obstacles and painful....
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Friday, March 5, 2010
aNotHer tHirTeeN dAyS......
We look for ways to escape from the crisis and problems which follow us
wherever we go.....
We cannot run away but we have to be brave......
We have to be strong to find ways to look for our freedom and
i'm trying to look 4 my happiness....hopefully it will appear in another 13 days...i juz wait and see...not 4get for those whose born in March...i have a few facts about your personality according to Dato' Dr. Fadzilah Kamsah....almost accurate but not all....
1. Personaliti yg mnarik......=)
2. Mudah didampingi......=)
3. Sangt pemalu n pemendam rase....=)
5. Jujur, pemurah n mudah simpati.....=)
6. Sngt sensitif pd perkataan yg dituturkan n alam sekitar...=)
7. Suka pd kedamaian......=)
8. Sngt peka pd org len.....=(
9. Sesuai dngn kerjaya yg beri khidmat pd org len....=(
10. Tidak cpt marah n sngt amanah....=)
11. Tahu balas budi n tau kenang budi.....=)
12. Pemerhatian n penilaian yg sngt tajam....=)
13. Kecenderungn utk berdendam jika tidak dikawal....=)
14. Suka berangan-angan....=)
15. Suka melancong....=(
16. Sangt manja n suka diberi perhatian yg sngt tinggi...=)
17. Kelam kabut dlm memilih pasangan...=(
18. Suka dngn hiasan rumah tangga...=)
19. Punya bakat seni dalam bidang muzik...=)
20. Kecenderungan pd bnda yg istimewa n baik...=)
21. Jngn terlalu moody...=)
=) yeahh..dats me
=( not really me
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Thursday, February 25, 2010
sALaM mAuLiDur RASUL 1431H.....hayatilah...
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Friday, February 19, 2010
aLreAdy HerE.....
2nd story to share...i feel like i've been chasing by a loan mee!! huhu!!
3rd story to share...i juz break my clean record...i darken my lung....nooo!!
4th story to share....i didn't do my was left untouched...
5th story to share....i had a good tyme with my kazen....she came to my house spent a week holidays in perak....u noe wat happens when gurls meet...GOSSIP...we had a very tremendously exciting gossip...bout jamboo guys...bout dat bapok...bout her mr. blanco...and many other gals things...and then i juz found out dat both of us have similar taste bout our PC...bcoz of the gossip...we sleep at 5...hihi!!=)
7th story to share...i'm hungry....scare to go to cafe alone....huhu!!
8th story to share...i've got 3 new born cute...kelabu a.k.a labu....tamtam...and pic...huhu!!
9th story to share...byee...toodelss...
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Saturday, February 6, 2010
sHaLL prEvaiL
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Thursday, February 4, 2010
cHeeR LeaDer....?!
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Saturday, January 30, 2010
tHe mOsT emPtiEst pLaCEs......
yesterday...i had no i decided to go to library....alone!! my friends didn't wanna go...they said...."nak g library....maleh ar...jaoh sngt lar...cri dlm tenet pn bleh.." so what can i do...i couldn't forced them....huhhh!! (sigh*) watever my friends....i can go alone..(sulking)=(
when i stepped my feet inside the lib...i was mesmerized...haha!! ( cam lar 1st tyme msuk...ayt x leh blaa) i can see only the workers at the counter n a few was totally empty...i took my port upstair...on the front of the tv...i was soO damnly comfortable...i luv it coz there's no one there and i hate crowded...i was doing my job while watching Ceplos...kakaka!! mmng kaw2g selesa lar....n then suddenly...the lib worker put the newspaper for today on the table juz in front of me...wahhh!! lg lar best...paper bru lak tu...(dh lme x jmpe paper..jakun ckit)..i spend about 2 hours there....9-11am..i can't stay longer there coz i had a test at i need to prepare...and that the moment i found another most emptiest place...
the second place for the most emptiest places goes to
My hEart.....
euwww....look at that pic...dats how my heart look like...but is empty....huhu!! i can feel there's nothin' inside it anymore...i feel damnly fucking disappointed...wif the test...i computer driving test was failed...i'm a looser....all of my friends that took the test wif me...passed wif flying colour but me??....wawawawawa!!! (T.T)..i was studied hard b4 i'm taking the test...burn my midnight oil but but in the end...i failed... is this bcoz of karma...naahh!! 4get bout dat..i dun believe it....i will take this test back next week...wish me luck...mybe ur pray will bring me success...insyaAllah...i hope so....
gO Go cHAiyoK!!
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Friday, January 22, 2010
sO yOu tHinK yOu cAn sPeaK.....?
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Saturday, January 16, 2010
The Result....>>>
this is curing process....done in order to maintain proper moisture and temperature to ensure the continuous hydration in gaining strength of the concrete....
haha!! ayt sejibik cam dlm buku....juz a little info lar... nak lbey2 aq bkn nye pro pn.....stakat tau bsic jela....
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Friday, January 15, 2010
LeT miX tHe cOncReTe.......!!!
Venue: FKASA LAB 2 (fkulti kjuruteraan awam & sumber alam)
Experiment: Concrete Mix Design/D.O.E
Lecturer: Mdm. Norzamzila bt Mustafa
Before i start...u better take a pen n paper to jot down....well...who noes maybe in emergency case u need to mix the concrete....saving ar ckit hire workers need extra better if u mix the concrete...The ingredients u need:
2. sand for fine aggregates
3. gravels for course aggregates
4. water...H2O
5. admixture
but in my admixture coz it juz an experiment..
1. all the ingredients are weighted according to the D.O.E table calculation....agak ssah la coz aq x ske mengira...leceh...kakaka!!
2. next....put the ingredients one by one into a large aluminium tray except for water.....mix all the ingredient well...
3. after that,make a hole in the middle of the materials...then pour the water into the hole.....once again mix them well..make sure the material are well mixed....tyme nk mnggaul ni la ssah ckit...mmng nmpk buruh2 binaan kt luar sne tu gaul cam snng ble wat sndri...fuhh!! ssah i understood how hard their work actually...don't underestimate them....hehe!!
6. the concrete is tamped uniformly over the cross section of the layer using the tamping rod...dis is the most important part during concreting to prevent honeycomb....mksudnye...x nak kasi konkrit nnti ade lobang2....x kukuh la klau cm2...
7. lastly,leave the concrete....biarkan konkrit tu mngeras sndri....
ni lar konkrit yg hmpir x keras ag...sok bru bleh bkak acuannye.... x sabar asenye nak tngok hasilnya....weeehiiii!!!!
=) x sangka la plak...dah siap satu report utk eng lab ni...kakaka!!! smangt je aq wat....over acting pn ade....huahaha!!
=D the moral of this report is nak bncuh konkrit ni bkn cm nk wat kek ye adik2...konkrit ni utk wat bngunan...klau salah bncuh...clap2 bleh runtuh tau bngunan....spe nak tnggung krugian...klau rugi je tape ni nnti ade plak nyawa yg kpd bakal civil engineer....bncuh la konkrit dngn pnuh teliti ek...jngn smpai termimpi2...huhuhu!!!
~SeLAMaT MEncUba~
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Sunday, January 10, 2010
4 vOluMEs oF LiFe JouRnAL
that's the common answers i got from my friends when asking bout journal a.k.a diary.....but i noe a lot of people out there keep a especially....
during my school days...each of the student must have a journal for their english subject.....including me....but many of my friends didn't like it....they started to mumbling when my teacher ask to submit their journal.....ade yg bleh pass2 journal msing2 utk dtnjukkan kat cikgu english ksyngan aq dlu...Mr. Paul Gordon....a canadian....lawak la bile ingat blik tyme skolah dolu2....but not for me....i luv to write....i write to pour my heart expand my jot down all the motivational keep all my secrets....and also to draw sumthings....all my idea generates here in my journal....meh cni aq knalkn diari aq satu2....
wokeyh...dis is my 1st diary...i used it during school....i wrapped it wif SP poster...nmpak buruk ckit sbb dah lame pon...inside it i write all my bittersweet in SEMESTI....
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Tuesday, January 5, 2010
oN tHe siTe........!!
my 1st lab task...linear survey...thought it was easy as i had learned during lecture...but it was so exhausted and hard task...theory and practical is totally two different thing...
punye lar pnat...nsib baik ari mendung je...nak hujan...sejuk je...klau tngh panas...adoi!! mau burn kulit ni...
boleh jadi eng. berkaliber ni....amiiinnnn.....
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Sunday, January 3, 2010
pEarL oF The YeaR 2010
" Harta yang paling untung SABAR,
Teman yang paling akrab AMAL,
Pengawal yang paling waspada DIAM,
Bahasa yang paling indah SENYUM..."
nothing much i would like to share...juz a few words i got from someone on i posted it's meaningful for me...
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