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NeVeR LeT dE sPiriT DiE...kEeP tHem aLIVe..... bowrinkkk.....and.....annoyinkk....
p/s: aq still kat u sekarang ni...aq ade srveying camp seminggu....x sabar nak blik umah...nk enjoyyy!!!! nak blik umahhhhh!!!
are u ready my frens...?? lets go...
o yeah...o yeah...o yeah..yeah....yeah....i'm feeling good.....
i'm addicted to this group...MBLAQ...Music Boys Live in Absolute Quality.....dah cam org giler aq ni...org exam...bkak buku...aq lak smbil buku trbukak bleh la mata dok concentrate kat video ni...ase cam nak ikut mnari...lebih2 ag tngok mamat pkai spek itam tu mnari...cam rain..upe2 nye bukan...hehe!! optical illusion btol...smart gler...
time ngah exam surveying td bleh plak aq oh yeah...oh yeah...dlm dewan exam....org len sume bertungkus lumus mnyiapkan soklan like a piece of cake tu...cehhh..bjet....ssah nak mampos lar...formula tengential angle dah terlupe...bleh plak aq o yeah..o yeah...
aq x bpe tau members grup ni sebab aq bru je knal grup ni....ngah mncari2 vdeo suju ngn b2st...ttbe trnmpak list grup ni kat you tube...x sangke lak...best la gak....ntah bpe kali aq ulang tngok vdeo ni...x bosan....sebab dorang mnari gempak....klau kat umah ni....aq dah ikot mnari sme ni...hahaha!!
well....dis vdeo i dedicated to all my frens espeacially mr. juni who goin' to leave soon...o yeahhh... haha!!! whoever mr. juni is...i like him...he's rawkks....cool bro...aja2 fighting!!..
p/s : maafkan aq atas keterlamjuran kata2 ku.....dan gmbr2 yg aq dah edit ni....ni lar hasil work art brdasarkan kegeraman aq....maafkan aq lg skali...
2nd story to share...i feel like i've been chasing by a loan shark....help mee!! huhu!!
3rd story to share...i juz break my clean record...i darken my lung....nooo!!
4th story to share....i didn't do my assignment....it was left untouched...
5th story to share....i had a good tyme with my kazen....she came to my house spent a week holidays in perak....u noe wat happens when gurls meet...GOSSIP...we had a very tremendously exciting gossip...bout jamboo guys...bout dat bapok...bout her mr. blanco...and many other gals things...and then i juz found out dat both of us have similar taste bout our PC...bcoz of the gossip...we sleep at 5...hihi!!=)
7th story to share...i'm hungry....scare to go to cafe alone....huhu!!
8th story to share...i've got 3 new born kittens...so cute...kelabu a.k.a labu....tamtam...and gigi...tp syng...no pic...huhu!!
9th story to share...byee...toodelss...
the second place for the most emptiest places goes to
My hEart.....
euwww....look at that pic...dats how my heart look like...but inside...it is empty....huhu!! i can feel there's nothin' inside it anymore...i feel damnly fucking disappointed...wif the test...i failed....my computer driving test was failed...i'm a looser....all of my friends that took the test wif me...passed wif flying colour but me??....wawawawawa!!! (T.T)..i was studied hard b4 i'm taking the test...burn my midnight oil but but in the end...i failed... is this bcoz of karma...naahh!! 4get bout dat..i dun believe it....i will take this test back next week...wish me luck...mybe ur pray will bring me success...insyaAllah...i hope so....
gO Go cHAiyoK!!
~SeLAMaT MEncUba~