b4 i start...let me wish all the teachers...hepi belated teachers' day...i am really a terrible and suck student...how could i forget bout my teachers...dah lewat bru nak wish....act, i never forget all of them...all the teachers from my kindetgarten untill in matrix...i still remember all of them...but maybe i'm juz ashamed with myself...being a not so successful student...make me feel ashame to contact with all of them...it might sound like sorang pelajar yang x mengenang budi...but act...aq btol2 appreciate all of my beloved teachers...i really do...i'm not lying...miss my old school..my old teachers...jasamu dikenang...berjaya menjadikan aq sorang manusia...bukan penjenayah...thank you teachers...x de bende yang dpt aq bg kat cikgu2 aq dlu...kcuali doa yg tulus ikhlas dri ati..smoge bhagia dunia dan akhirat....
back to the main point...i juz wanna share some of my old one...nothing much juz the pics of my old....even juz a few days i left it..but i already miss it that much...kalau bleh aq nak setia pada yg satu...tapi x bleh...i need to change ROOM...rite now i'm already in my new room....leaving behind the old one that kept a thousands of memories and noltalgia...a life of mine as a junior...

p/s: aq still kat u sekarang ni...aq ade srveying camp seminggu....x sabar nak blik umah...nk enjoyyy!!!! nak blik umahhhhh!!!
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