my 1st lab task...linear survey...thought it was easy as i had learned during lecture...but it was so exhausted and hard task...theory and practical is totally two different thing...

punye lar pnat...nsib baik ari mendung je...nak hujan...sejuk je...klau tngh panas...adoi!! mau burn kulit ni...

boleh jadi eng. berkaliber ni....amiiinnnn.....
Menarik tak?? Sila tekan button LIKE dibawah..TQ
salam..sarah~sierra.. ak x de belt laa..opss tpakse ngaku kat cni..bru mdaftar je yang..hehe
budak2 awammmmm....hahaha
tape2....nnti ade la tu...insyaallah....all de best ber taekwondo...hehe!!
yer ray...
i mmng bdak awammm....ngeee!!
i like it....more thriller...
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