Talking about present.....i'm sure everyone love present....a present of appreciation......a present to thank you...a present during ur birthday....a present to congratulate....and also a present to show their LOVE......
me myself sometime hope a present from my future love....FuTUre LOve???....yeah...a future love...exist as i dream it to be....exist like a superhero....always be there when i'm in trouble....help me....sooth me.....
all of these thing that i wanna share is a bit childish....i wanted a special present too....i dun want a bouquet of flower...it's too common....i hope someone will give me a huge loveable and cute teddy bear...juz like in AKIM MV entitled INILAH CINTA...
not only that...i also want him to sing me a song specially dedicated to me.....playing guitar as the background music...sing with a full emotion expressing his love to me.....huhh, i'm going to melt....=)

i am so jealous with that girl having someone that admire her a lot....if i am that girl...how come i want to resist him....as he love and admire me a lot...how come i want to resist a guy who love me tenderly...This is what people called the POWER OF LOVE.....that never exist in my life....YET!!!
P/S: bestnye dpt teddy bear....t nk soh wat brng hantaran letak teddy bear yg besar cam2...hehe...mngarut jew aq ni...dh lmbt nk dpt teddy bear cmni...umo pn dah 2a...ade hati agy....aq dah trlmbat lar...huhu....
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