I might not have thousands followers or following thousands account users cause my little circle is what I am comfortable with
I might not have thousands of likes or thousands of views cause I choose to be humble with my lame and not outstanding profile
I might not have fancy stories to share everyday cause it is best to be reserved and I choose to share only with my trust persons in my real world
I might not like or leave comment but deep down I always pray for the best for what you have shared
I might not have many fascinated photos to share cause I care about the people who less fortunate
I might not immediately up my status just to expose or share how deep my thought is cause in the end of the day no one really care
I might not immediately view the pop up status/stories because seen their wonderful life could turn me into ungrateful person
I am just me, not entangled inside those virtual medium that believe made up to connect people but in fact it is toxication cause I believe the real world is much more honest and beautiful for us to be in
Do not valuate/judge my personality through how I interact in social media because the REAL ME IS OUT HERE IN OUR REAL WORLD
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