Time: 8.00am-12.oopm
Date: 15/01/2010
Venue: FKASA LAB 2 (fkulti kjuruteraan awam & sumber alam)
Experiment: Concrete Mix Design/D.O.E
Lecturer: Mdm. Norzamzila bt Mustafa
Before i start...u better take a pen n paper to jot down....well...who noes maybe in emergency case u need to mix the concrete....saving ar ckit kannn......to hire workers need extra cost...so better if u DIY....to mix the concrete...The ingredients u need:
Venue: FKASA LAB 2 (fkulti kjuruteraan awam & sumber alam)
Experiment: Concrete Mix Design/D.O.E
Lecturer: Mdm. Norzamzila bt Mustafa
Before i start...u better take a pen n paper to jot down....well...who noes maybe in emergency case u need to mix the concrete....saving ar ckit kannn......to hire workers need extra cost...so better if u DIY....to mix the concrete...The ingredients u need:
1. cement
2. sand for fine aggregates
3. gravels for course aggregates
4. water...H2O
5. admixture
but in my case..no admixture coz it juz an experiment..
1. all the ingredients are weighted according to the D.O.E table calculation....agak ssah la coz aq x ske mengira...leceh...kakaka!!
2. next....put the ingredients one by one into a large aluminium tray except for water.....mix all the ingredient well...
3. after that,make a hole in the middle of the materials...then pour the water into the hole.....once again mix them well..make sure the material are well mixed....tyme nk mnggaul ni la ssah ckit...mmng nmpk buruh2 binaan kt luar sne tu gaul cam snng je...tp ble wat sndri...fuhh!! ssah sbnrnye...now i understood how hard their work actually...don't underestimate them....hehe!!
2. sand for fine aggregates
3. gravels for course aggregates
4. water...H2O
5. admixture
but in my case..no admixture coz it juz an experiment..
1. all the ingredients are weighted according to the D.O.E table calculation....agak ssah la coz aq x ske mengira...leceh...kakaka!!
2. next....put the ingredients one by one into a large aluminium tray except for water.....mix all the ingredient well...
3. after that,make a hole in the middle of the materials...then pour the water into the hole.....once again mix them well..make sure the material are well mixed....tyme nk mnggaul ni la ssah ckit...mmng nmpk buruh2 binaan kt luar sne tu gaul cam snng je...tp ble wat sndri...fuhh!! ssah sbnrnye...now i understood how hard their work actually...don't underestimate them....hehe!!
4. now testing tyme....there are 3 test to be carry out....vebe test,slump test n compacting factor test...but all the tests seem to be failed....konkrit x mnepati ciri yg di designed according to the D.O.E table....
5. when all the test had been done....it's the time to put the concrete into the beam mould,cylinder mould and cube mould....but b4 dat....some oil(i dun noe what kind of oil) is applied into the internal part of the mould to make sure the concrete is easily remove when it is hardened...
6. the concrete is tamped uniformly over the cross section of the layer using the tamping rod...dis is the most important part during concreting to prevent honeycomb....mksudnye...x nak kasi konkrit nnti ade lobang2....x kukuh la klau cm2...
6. the concrete is tamped uniformly over the cross section of the layer using the tamping rod...dis is the most important part during concreting to prevent honeycomb....mksudnye...x nak kasi konkrit nnti ade lobang2....x kukuh la klau cm2...

7. lastly,leave the concrete....biarkan konkrit tu mngeras sndri....

=) x sangka la plak...dah siap satu report utk eng lab ni...kakaka!!! smangt je aq wat....over acting pn ade....huahaha!!
=D the moral of this report is nak bncuh konkrit ni bkn cm nk wat kek ye adik2...konkrit ni utk wat bngunan...klau salah bncuh...clap2 bleh runtuh tau bngunan....spe nak tnggung krugian...klau rugi je tape ni nnti ade plak nyawa yg trkorban...ag bhaye..so kpd bakal civil engineer....bncuh la konkrit dngn pnuh teliti ek...jngn smpai termimpi2...huhuhu!!!
~SeLAMaT MEncUba~
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hebat btul engineer ni....
bangga r aku....
nnt bleh la ajar aku ek....
cm best jer tp mst pnat kn....
tp ble dh siap & mnjd, mst rse puas ati kn....
go! go! jia you!!!
best la gak...
dpt pengalaman bancuh konkrit sndri...
walau pon hasilnye x jadi..
tp ase puas ati gak la....
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