arrrrrrggggggggghhh...Lots of works to do...and the works still coming on...I thought i can relax 4 this 2 weeks b4 i'm going back 4 my raya holiday....but i was wrong...instead i need to settle all the jobs that was given to me...(pdn muke spe soh tngguh keje,hahaha)...TITAS presentation,TITAS project and the most important thing,nak kne serahkn dokumen PTPTN this weekend...huhu!...not only dat,test construction on 5/9 dis coming saturday,test material on 7/9 dis coming monday (time cuti nuzul...huhuhu) and last but not least,test statics on 9/9 on wednesday next week...adoi!! kne fokus ni....x bleh men2 dah...test ni pnting n i don't wanna get low mark like b4...nape la aq tbe2 jd pemalas ni...dtg cni nak blaja bkn nak kne lar keje kuat...biar la x tdo skali pn yg pnting keje siap...lame2 aq dok cni bleh jd panda la nmpak x pe..panda cute ape...look so adorable..hihihi! alamak,lpe lar plak...ptg ni ade briged...kne g msjid wat CS(community service)...i need to help them preparing the dish to break fast..attendance is compulsory...mlm plak ade raksi...dah ler kne pkai baju batik...ps2 aq trpkse pnteng terawih plak tu...4 me,better g terawih drpd g raksi yg x tau lar ape kkak fasi tu dah tkutkn aq..they said raksi constribute the mark 4 soft skill...klau x de raksi korang x bleh graduate nnti...whatever nak pk...emmmmm...
Menarik tak?? Sila tekan button LIKE dibawah..TQ
Huh.. Biasalah tu. Kite kat sini pun kene keje keras gak.5 hb test calculus, 6 hb test komputer, 7 hb kelas. Cancel nak balik Perak.
Jadi student ni memang kena banyak sabar la katakan..
sabaQ2...haha..jgn tnsion2..nti sakit pale..kne mkn ubat lak..hehe...dont wry r sal rksi je..dh nk abis sem dh pn...kjap je lg...hehe...
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