I juz plan not to sleep last night but at last i lost with my sleepy head...there is no test 4 today...i feel happy with dat...one of my friend asked me to accompany her at her room last night since she stayed alone and all of her roomates were going somewhere...she need a partner to study but i refused..i didn't mean not to accompany her but i juz felt comfortable at my room..home sweet home right...furthermore,there is no wireless connection at her room...it is hard 4 me to get on9...maybe she was angry and cursed me 4 not accompany her and then i slept...leaving all my works undone...i've got the pay and i accept that...i juz exhausted thinking about all my frens...trying to be good with them but at last i'm the one who got the pain...i'm a good listener act and most of my frens like to tell me about their secret,love life,happy things and so on...but it's a bit weird that i rarely telling my frens about myself....i juz keep it deep down inside...let it bleeding and leaving a terrible scar...huhu! AM I A VERY BAD FREN???.........alamak...dah nak imsak...cepat2!! minom bnyk2...
Menarik tak?? Sila tekan button LIKE dibawah..TQ
Normal life for ex-PRD la.. HAha.. Kalau kita bukan pendengar yang baik, mesti tak tahan duduk dalam PRD tu setahun lol! Haha.. Biasa la tu.. Kite pun merasa gak. Kat sini lak dapat roomate yang lagi teruk dari Keena. Keena ok lagi, dia just ignorant je. Yang kat sini dua-dua jenis dok kutuk orang. Pakai barang kite boleh, kite nak pakai barang dia susah. Lepas tu semua kerja dia nak suruh kite buat. Naya betul la..
PHI tu philosophy. Falsafah. Kite ambil History and philosophy of science sem ni..
Bukan tak nak bersukan, tapi dah penat dok turun naik tangga tiap hari. Jarak dari kolej kedoaman ke kelas sama dengan hujung KMKN ke hujung KMKN satu lagi. Bayangkan je la. Kampus kedua terbesar di Malaysia la katakan.. Kalau dapat Shah Alam ok lagi sebab bangunan ikut fakulti. Kat sini tak ikut fakulti.
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