i juz wanna put the home song inside my blog...but unfortunately, x jmpe la...at least,klau boring2, bleh la nyanyi lgu tu smbil bce blog aq yg trlmpau mnarik ni...hehe!..aq jmpe lgu ost Sepi ni je...kmbang perawan nyanyian gita gutawa...bleh la nak jd halwa telinga...

Lawak la watak Afdlin dalam citer ni...jadi Adam.....Adam??..spe tu??..huhu!whatever la...kawan lme yg dah sombong...dah lupe kwn...brkwn sbb rupe je...=P wekk!!
Bile aq tngok perut Afdlin yang boroi dlm citer ni (jahatnye aq)...aq tringt kat somebody satu klas ngn aq...since form 1 smpai form 5...org pnggil die boroi...sbb ape aq pn x tau...x dela boroi mne pn aq tngok...tp x tau la skrng...haha!
Actually, he was the one that i admired during school day...but then when i heard one of my friends like him too..I immediately back off...Well,people say kwn is the most important things...Lover bleh cari tp kawan hardly to find...untill now, nobody knows that aq penah ske kat the same guy...aq x ksah pn even mule2 tu mmng cdih lar tp bile dah kuar dri skolah,everything back to normal...aq dah x de feeling kt die...how come i admired him..he don't even a handsome guy...aiyaa!!!nsib bek la...hihi! that was ksah dolu2...nostalgia je...
" if u love someone, let him go...if he returns...he always yours..."
Menarik tak?? Sila tekan button LIKE dibawah..TQ
Lagu tu tak kuar pun..
Tapi better kalau Sarah letak lagu yang boleh distopkan sebab ada jenis orang yang macam kite, dengar lagu sambil surf internet. Kalau nak lagi bagus, jangan buat autoplay.
yeke...npe aq bkak kuar je lgunye...x pela cmtu...aq buang jela lgu ni..huhu!
The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
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