Sunday, February 27, 2022



One fine day, an amazing not related blood sister of mine had shared with me some thoughtful reminder that had awaken me from such a long sleep. About something that she did not has experienced herself but through her reading, she has been learnt a lot. We have shared things that we never learn from school or from any education institute. It is very subjective and everyone can has their own thought about that. No right or wrong answer.

Ya Allah, aku memohon agar memilih mana yang baik menurut Engkau ya Allah.

Aku juga memohon diberikan kepastian dengan ketentuanMu dan aku memohon dengan kemurahanMu Tuhan yang Maha Agung

Sesungguhnya Engkau Tuhan yang Berkuasa, sedangkan aku tidak tahu. Engkau Tuhan yang amat mengetahui segala sesuatu yang masih tersembunyi.

Ya Allah! Jika menurut pendapatMu urusan ini, memberi kebaikan bagiku untuk agamaku, kehidupanku, dan pekerjaanku, maka takdirkanlah ia bagiku dan berkatilah ia padaku.

Jika menurut pengetahuanMu bahawa urusan ini, memberi keburukan bagiku untuk agamaku, kehidupanku dan pekerjaanku, maka ku mohon agar Engkau jauhkan ia daripadaku dan kurniakanlah bagiku hanya kebaikan di mana sahaja aku berada.

Jadilah aku orang yang redha atas anugerahMu.

(Rekod Imam al-Bukhari)

Kalau dia baik untuk akak mesti Allah tetapkan untuk akak


Dipermudahkan atau dipersulitkan


Tak boleh bergantung pada mimpi ya

kena buat istikharah banyak kali

Sampai hati rasa lembik, jangan pernah bosan untuk terus mengharapkan jawapan padaNya


Dan hati kena betul-betul kosong dan tidak condong mana-mana belah


Jangan pernah fikir kita buat tak dapat jawapan


Sebab hak kita untuk buat istikharah tu


Dan hak Allah untuk bagi petunjuk macam mana cara sekali pun




Ketika hatimu terlalu berharap kepada seseorang. Maka Allah timpakan ke atas kamu pedihnya sebuah pengharapan supaya kamu mengetahui bahawa Allah sangat mencemburui hati yang berharap selain Dia. Maka Allah menghalangi mu daripada perkara tersebut. Agar kamu kembali berharap kepadaNya.


Sentiasa ingat yang Allah takkan pernah mengecewakan fikiran yang baik dan hati yang sabar.


Kita doa sama-sama


Sebab hati kita ni lemah


Seringkali bergantung pada makhluk


Sedangkan yang pegang hati kita ni Allah sahaja kak

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Tuesday, February 8, 2022


 Hi guys, it has been a while. I Miss you so much. I had a problem before with my blog. Fortunately, it was just that I forgot which account I used for this wonderful blog.

So today, I would like to share my thought that I have kept for a week. 

First of all, I just don’t know how to put this kind of bizarre feeling into words. My keyboard seems dusty without being used for a while. I was busy handling my emotional breakdown recently. Every night anticipates to be delighted but it’s seemed faded away. 

Day after day, it will be gone forever together with untouchable, unforeseen, and invisible one-sided feelings.  I just wanted to make this note longer and more fascinating to be read. As a memory to be kept in here and not to be forgotten forever. This note must be clear, concise, understandable, and transparent to touch the reader’s heart. What is wrong with me, that is the right question to ask as an introduction to this note. 

I have told myself one fine day. Just let your heart lead the way. Stop hindering your feeling. Giving yourself a chance to love without being loved is insane. No one ever wanted to be chosen as one. It is going to hurt badly but believe me you have been chosen and destined to be born just to be hurt because Allah wanted you to gain as many Pahala as you can with your patience, sacrifice, and pain you’ve been put through.  

You are deserving to get what your heart needs. I know you have had the worst experience ever but it doesn’t mean you don’t stand a chance to embrace happiness. However, everyone knows waiting is the last thing to have existed in one’s life full of agony, heart-wrenching, and horrible pain. I have let myself weep over this, but my tears seem to dry out. Together with my brittle hopes. This note is a way to avoid me from writing ridiculous statuses that might raise the temptation of netizens to spread the wrong assumption which could lead me into deep misery.

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