My birthday cake!! =)
I just wanna wish myself a very happy belated birthday....may Allah always bless me with a good fortune on my 22nd years of life...I didn't post my entry on my birthday because I was so busy treating my heart and soul....too many things happened a day before and on my was a really good experience actually...even though I had to get through a very difficult phase in my life...phewww, crying and thinking about all the tragic thing that happened make me feel stronger....forgetting the past is really excruciating....killer pain...thus I need to let go everything before it is too late because:

there are a few stories I wanna share here...the untold stories....
"A person who lives with memory is a person who lives in misery."
First of all...I want to thanks to Allah for giving me a chance to live and still breathing in this world...being loved by a warm hearted people all around me is a greatest bless... Thanks also to my mother and father who had sacrifice their life just to make me feel whole and happy....I am sorry because I had done to much sins towards you mom and dad....I promise to myself that I'll try my best to repay all your hard work in rising this naughty and pampered daughter....
Excited slicing the cake....
Thanks also to all my friends for remembering and wishing for my birthday...especially to my roomates; Azni, Zaty and Tirah...not forget to my best friend, Kinah who support for the most delicious and pretty was marvellous and even Buddy Valastro cannot beat my birthday cake...also to my classmates, Pitah and Eizha for celebrating me on my surprise birthday party planned by Kinah....
Sesi suap menyuap with Pitah....
there are a few stories I wanna share here...the untold stories....
1. On my birthday night, on the way back to my room from library...I bumped with my first year crush walking side by side with another girl....seriously i was damnly jealous with that pretty and skinny girl (maybe) because it was too dark and i cannot really sure how she look like...they giggling with each other and on that moment i told myself..."Sara, u are not suitable with that damn hot and handsome guy...u just a big fat girl trying to get and endless attention..." Feeling like loosing my hero for a moment...but now I'm happy with what I am...=)
2. A few minutes after passing 12.00 am on 18/3/2012, the whole UMP was blacked out....there was no happened about 45 minutes I think...I felt like "Ya Allah what is the sign for this blacked out...isn't it's mean that I'm going to face a gloomy birthday? I hope not.."
3. In the silence and darkness of the night...I receive a sms from someone...rejecting me...what??? I've been dump...on my birthday?...Yeah!! that exactly what really happened on my birthday night....I was crying alone in the darkness...luckily it was blacked nobody see me crying that's not that bad actually because I expected this to be happened from the beginning..being only a substitute and replacement is really not cool....I hope i can be the main player next time....
That's is what happened on my 22nd birthday...i post this entry because i want everyone out there to know that confession on your birthday doesn't mean a happy don'e ever think to confess...just share it with the greatest one..Allah Subhanahu Wa Taa'la....The Most Gracious and Merciful One.......i learn my lesson....Alhamdulillah.....
Alhamdulillah....ari ni kenyang kek....hehehehe
P/S: Thanks to Tirah for the nice taken picture....gambar2 birthday aku ni Tirah amik guna DSLR tau....=)
P/S: Please ignore the back view of the picture ek?? I'm a busy faham2 jela...hahah!!
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hepi belated bufday.....
thank youuu!!! miss u faten....
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