yesterday...i had no class...so i decided to go to library....alone!! my friends didn't wanna go...they said...."nak g library....maleh ar...jaoh sngt lar...cri dlm tenet pn bleh.." so what can i do...i couldn't forced them....huhhh!! (sigh*) watever my friends....i can go alone..(sulking)=(
when i stepped my feet inside the lib...i was mesmerized...haha!! ( cam lar 1st tyme msuk...ayt x leh blaa) i can see only the workers at the counter n a few students....it was totally empty...i took my port upstair...on the couch...in front of the tv...i was soO damnly comfortable...i luv it coz there's no one there and i hate crowded...i was doing my job while watching Ceplos...kakaka!! mmng kaw2g selesa lar....n then suddenly...the lib worker put the newspaper for today on the table juz in front of me...wahhh!! lg lar best...paper bru lak tu...(dh lme x jmpe paper..jakun ckit)..i spend about 2 hours there....9-11am..i can't stay longer there coz i had a test at 2pm..so i need to prepare...and that the moment i found another most emptiest place...
the second place for the most emptiest places goes to
My hEart.....

euwww....look at that pic...dats how my heart look like...but inside...it is empty....huhu!! i can feel there's nothin' inside it anymore...i feel damnly fucking disappointed...wif the test...i failed....my computer driving test was failed...i'm a looser....all of my friends that took the test wif me...passed wif flying colour but me??....wawawawawa!!! (T.T)..i was studied hard b4 i'm taking the test...burn my midnight oil but but in the end...i failed... is this bcoz of karma...naahh!! 4get bout dat..i dun believe it....i will take this test back next week...wish me luck...mybe ur pray will bring me success...insyaAllah...i hope so....
gO Go cHAiyoK!!
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