1. rahmat alam bus left us behind coz we're late...got to wait 4 ump bas which is 30 minute later...
2. when i entered the bus, i realised that we've got no ticket...i was so scared if the conductor chased us out...but then he said we can pay it here...fuhh!! how relieved...
3.then,we took a taxi from kp to a hardware store...rm7 melayang 4 de fares...
4.the material we need not at dat store...how disappointed...then,i realised dat i dun noe where exactly we were...lost 4 a moment...luckily, a taxi appeared and the taxi's driver agreed to send us...
5.another rm 6 melayang 4 de fares from hardware store to mega...
6. dis is de climax 4 de story...i realised my 2nd fon not in my bag....i lost my fon....wawawawawaw!! dat was a very tragic moment...i felt helpless like my soul escaped from my body....my face turned pale...mmng x de slera nak mkn...juz thinking bout my fon...even juz a cikai fon but i luv it so much coz it is my belonging...pling syng simcard ar....

7. to make myself calm down,i bought a quiet expensive chocolate called tiramisu at famous amos....cost bout rm9.30 for only 129g...melayang ag duet aq...time tu x pk pn coz dah cam org ilang akal jap pas dpt tau hnset x de....

8.i called dat fon no...it was ringing but no one answered it...only my 6th trial (if i'm not mistaken) someone answered the fon...upe2nye...jtuh dlm teksi td....fuhhh!! nsib bek jmpe...
alhmdulillah...syukur sngt2...
alhmdulillah...syukur sngt2...
9.sbb jtuh dlm teksi td...aq kne la amik teksi gak blik ump...klau x msti la teksi tu x nak anta fon tu....he might given the fon to a place dat i can go by my own...ssah la plak kn..
10.lastly, aq kne lar nek teksi tu gak even bas ump ade...melayang rm20 aq 4 de taxi...another rm20 my friend paid...
walau cmne pn...experience rini mmng adventure ar....pkcik teksi tu pn kre ok lar...bnyk citer die share...upe2 nye...die tu bussiness man beb...property dier brjuta gak lar...ade company sndri,tanah br ekar2 kat pahang ni...die kate die bwk teksi juz part time job...anak2 die sumer lulusan oversea beb...eng. , dr, sume ade...time tu bru aq realised...dun judge a book by its cover...jgn pndng org sblah mate....even bnyak duet aq gne ari ni tp x ksah la....mnde dah jd...pengajaran tok aq so dat i can be more careful....
Menarik tak?? Sila tekan button LIKE dibawah..TQ
rahmat alam??wow..dont mentioned it..was my 1st and d last..never again..
anyway gurl, u should have walk around ktn instead of taking a cab..it is expensive..rm7 & rm6 was so not worth it..that was expensive...never trust d taxi driver too much..they're just mumbling around 2 get your attention..
part tyme taxi driver??naahhh...based on my experiences, its never been their part tme...its always being their main job to gain money...dont judge a book by its cover huh??but not a kuantan taxi drver...they always cheat people coz they never use meter...and that was so unfair 4 u d victims..
so next tme when u wanna go ktn, do take a cab going around d town..walk instead..an exercise right??hehehe...
yeah....you're right...next time i need to be xtra careful wif the people around me...i dun wanna be de victims anymore...huhu!
walk?? emmm...dats the only transportation i've got 4 now...as long as it safe...
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