Monday, October 26, 2009


lately, i feel empty....alone and gloomy...i dun noe to whom i want to pour my heart mom??..nop...she might be boring to hear me sister...she's friend?? not i decided to share it one here...i feel free to write anything i feel inside...actually dear, deep down in the bottom of my heart, i feel so:
- helpless
it is too awful to say dis...but dis is how i feel right now....i juz can'i bear it anymore...waiting time to sian roomate and klasmate aq...coz of my unstable emotion...i treat them badly...wif my freaky and annoying face...i'm so sorry's not ur fault but it's mine... i can't stand to live like a zombie....and then u noe...suddenly a quote pop out in my head....some part i created myself and some part i got it while visiting other person shout out...i juz want to get out of dis a happy girl..but HoW??...suicide?? self destruction?? quit U?? now i understand why some of mahasiswa trgelincir drpd lndasannye...become a drug addict, bohsia, mat rempit...i hope i'm not going to be like dat....hope so...
" LiFe In PAiN iS liKe a MaN iN miSeRy, LiFE WitHout Pain Is Like A deaD maN waLking "
choose which one u want to be??

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

rAcE cAr M0deL..?..

do u ever think about being a race car model...posing in front of the car on the hot sunny day...wif the dress that not look exactly like a dress (dress yg x ckup kain...hihi)....
u noe..2day, i got the opportunity to be the race car model...quiet exciting...muahhahha!! but not wif those sexy dress...we are malay gals race car model...hihi!! of course wif bju kurung...unfortunately, we've got to find the race car by ourself...if not how come we want to be the model without the race car...hahaha!! x lengkap la cmtu...
so in de glorious fren pn g la merayau kat kwsn kafe lme cri race last,we found it...mntap sehh...still in good cndition...klau wat race pn bleh jd juare ag ni...n then dgn fren drive the race car to blok w dri kk3...our car caught the attention of the proud we were...kih3x...then we park the car in wdk28....then, kitorang pn start the photography session....lot of posing babe!! ahaks!!
well, actually guys, kitorng kne present utk BI....konon2 nye kne promote our product which is our race car... race car kitorng tu mmng latest car la...kih3...jename trknal tu....WHEELBARROW...HAHA!! kete sorong je sbnrnye...model kete sorong...kete gak kan...=)

model2 race car..huhuhu!

yg pling x bleh lupe time nak bwk kete 2 ke blok w la...sume org tngok semacam je...well, x ksah la ngn ape tnggapn dorng yg pnting presentation BI dah settled...yuhuhuuuu!!!

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Monday, October 19, 2009

30 hOuRs.....

during last weekend...17 and 18 Oct. 2009..i had a camp 4 briged siswa...took only 30 was full wif quiet extreme activities...i really luv it...i learned a lot of thing there wif new experiences, new friends from different faculty and new perception....about 105 guys and 58 gals joined this camp...

my 1st thought 4 dis camp was boring wif the same activities...but then i realised that i was wrong on my 2nd was fun and and really challenging..the most tough activity was the night sound crazy that we need to hike at night but dis is the fun thing that i juz said...i can say that i was the best hiker among the gals in my group...the guys also were amazed wif my achievement...bkn nk ckp bsar!! juz want to tell u the truth...hahaha!! lg pn,b4 ni aq dah bnyk kali i've got my own technique to hike...mmng mncabar lar dngn kawasan yg slippery sbb slalu sngt ujan lately...

during hiking, we need to carry two periuk bsar dngn 1 snduk...but i really2 thanks to the guys in my group...dorng lar yg ssah payah carry dat periuk along..not only dat...dorang mmng protect gals gler2 la...hahaha!! best plak rsenye ade org protect...even they didn't know us but they were very helpful...people say that dis is bcoz of the teamwork...tq guys...hope to c u again next time...yg cdeynye...x smpat nak brknalan...even nme pn aq x tau...haiz!! hihi..

time nk g n blik plak...we need to ride on was a real bumpy ride journey..the road to the camp site was in a real bad tar at all..luckily, my pelvic girdle has no fracture on the ride...huhu!!...klau x kitorng sume dah pakat nk wat x-ray nk tngok ade fracture ke x...hohoho!!!
pnting woo...aset tu....hahaha!!
kwn2 ku dlm lori...haha!!

even after the camp my body had some bruise and lenguh2 bdn ckit tp i felt puas...slagi bdn x skit aq x kn rse lar kepuasan cmping bg aq...sakit tu mnguatkn aq lg...and aq jarang gne ubat klau sakit...coz i want to train my imune system to be stronger...ble ade pnyakit dtg x dela dier lembik je nak lawan...of coz jd warriornye la...hahaha!! insyaallah...bdan yang sihat ialah bdn yg x perlukan ubat!! yeah...that's it...=p kih3x...

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Saturday, October 10, 2009

BizaRre dAy OuT.....

i went to kuantan today...wif my fren...only 2 of us...all the material 4 assignment need to be collected...due date next week i have to go out to find all the materials no matter wat happen...many unpredictable things happened heart almost jumping out from my chest all bcoz the unwanted things...mmng x bleh lupe sume gara2 assgnment tu...pahit...masam...manis...sume ade ari ni...all mixed well...ahakz!! biar aq citer ape yg jd ikut sequence...

1. rahmat alam bus left us behind coz we're to wait 4 ump bas which is 30 minute later...

2. when i entered the bus, i realised that we've got no ticket...i was so scared if the conductor chased us out...but then he said we can pay it here...fuhh!! how relieved...

3.then,we took a taxi from kp to a hardware store...rm7 melayang 4 de fares...

4.the material we need not at dat disappointed...then,i realised dat i dun noe where exactly we were...lost 4 a moment...luckily, a taxi appeared and the taxi's driver agreed to send us...

5.another rm 6 melayang 4 de fares from hardware store to mega...

6. dis is de climax 4 de story...i realised my 2nd fon not in my bag....i lost my fon....wawawawawaw!! dat was a very tragic moment...i felt helpless like my soul escaped from my face turned pale...mmng x de slera nak mkn...juz thinking bout my fon...even juz a cikai fon but i luv it so much coz it is my belonging...pling syng simcard ar....

7. to make myself calm down,i bought a quiet expensive chocolate called tiramisu at famous amos....cost bout rm9.30 for only 129g...melayang ag duet aq...time tu x pk pn coz dah cam org ilang akal jap pas dpt tau hnset x de....

8.i called dat fon was ringing but no one answered it...only my 6th trial (if i'm not mistaken) someone answered the fon...upe2nye...jtuh dlm teksi td....fuhhh!! nsib bek jmpe...
alhmdulillah...syukur sngt2...

9.sbb jtuh dlm teksi kne la amik teksi gak blik ump...klau x msti la teksi tu x nak anta fon tu....he might given the fon to a place dat i can go by my own...ssah la plak kn..

10.lastly, aq kne lar nek teksi tu gak even bas ump ade...melayang rm20 aq 4 de taxi...another rm20 my friend paid...

walau cmne pn...experience rini mmng adventure ar....pkcik teksi tu pn kre ok lar...bnyk citer die share...upe2 nye...die tu bussiness man dier brjuta gak lar...ade company sndri,tanah br ekar2 kat pahang ni...die kate die bwk teksi juz part time job...anak2 die sumer lulusan oversea beb...eng. , dr, sume ade...time tu bru aq realised...dun judge a book by its cover...jgn pndng org sblah mate....even bnyak duet aq gne ari ni tp x ksah la....mnde dah jd...pengajaran tok aq so dat i can be more careful....

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Sunday, October 4, 2009

pLeZzzz sTaY.....

yop,jeff,wan n liyana fizi...

I am wondering why lately people started to keep a distant from me....running away...did i make any mistake?...wats wrong wif me...i hate my situation right now....cdih gler...i cried out loud in my heart...who knows bout...
it...i feel rejected, and people keep fooling me around like i've no heart...wat a very pathetic xharra...soo

to chill up and boost up my strength...lets sing estrella song....Stay...3,2,1

sound straight from the twillight
has me up all night
i can't fall asleep cause i keep thinking of you
and i saw a shadow outside my window and it's u


all my sorrows flew away
hush..keep quiet,hear me say
i don't ever want u to go
please STAY
with the moonlight dancing free
and there's no one but u and me
ther's no reason to go astray
please STAY

making up the story
it's the way you're looking at me
if u think that this is funny,it's just u

try and think about it
if you're heart is closed don't lock it
keep your keys back in ur pocket
think this through


please STAY with me
just STAY with me
and i will take u to Foreverland
just STAY

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Friday, October 2, 2009

eXpoConVo 09

teddy yg cute...

kwn2 ku khusyuk men congkak...

x gayat kew...

Minggu ni bz ngn expoconvo n academik carnival kt dpn library UMP...bnyk bbdak skolah rndah, menengah yg dtg memeriahkn lar first time aq dpt g la meriah ag jom heboh yg tv3 wat tu...well, bese lar ade artis....ade konsertnye...kat cni plak ne ade konsert...yg ade ceramah Al-Kuliyyah tiap ari jumaat kul 5ptg tu...Ptg ni la ceramah tu...UMP msuk tv ag skali...ingt nak g tp ade klass ganti lar plak...hehe!!

Bnyak gak lar brng yg djual...harga pn bleh tahan...ade booth souvenirs yg jual teddy bear yg cute2...comey sangat2..nak bli tp kne jimat lar...huhu!!! yg lawaknye aq bleh TERmen congkak kt salah 1 booth kat expo tu...ingtkn free, upe2nye kne bayar beb...abis RM3...bek bli maknn...knyng ckit...nyesalnyerrr...

pastu ade gak wall climbing...dah lme da aq nak try men wall climbing tp segan la plak nak men kat mmng ske gler extreme game ni...bnyak game yg aq nak try tp sumenye kne gne duet nak try men paintball, bungee jumping, go cart, jetski n bnyak ag x tau lar ble bleh try men sume game ni...bdk sek rndah tu pn dah ble ag..emm...mybe one day...insyaallah...

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