I just watched this movie...it's give me a few of lessons to learn...it's a romantic comedy movie...with romantic scene that you don't wanna miss...act, i wanna talk about how people judge a person...internal or external...and dis movie showed that most of the people judge EXTERNAL...sometime i did the samething too...and i realised that i shouldn't be like that...in dis movie,Penelope suffered a lot because of her ugly look...i understand how she felt because I'm in the ugly group too...its pathetic to admit that we are ugly...but how come i wanna say that i'm pretty if the fact is i'm not...after that i realised that i shouldn't judge a person externally only...i start to judge internally no matter how they look like...fat,dark skin,face with lot of pimple,and etc...i don't mind about that...in fact,i respect them the most more than i respect a more lucky person with a pretty and handsome look...i hate discrimination...i hate people out there that like to insult a person bcoz of their look...
well, ni citer pathetic aq kot...bnde ni slalu jd kat aq...dorang mmng diskriminasi lar...ade ke ptut lyn pelanggan melalui rupa...aq pling bnci klau g kafe nak bli makanan...lbih2 ag klau ramai org kt kedai 2...aku la yg akan jadi org last yg dpt bli even aq datang awal pn sbb aq ni org yg x menarik kot...people are cruel,mean and bizarre...benci giler ar...tapi nsib bek aq ni penyabar...mulut aq bleh kontrol ag lar...klau mak aq dah lme kne sound...mak aq garang n tegas la gak...tapi sayang...aq x ikut sifat tegas mak aq...2 sbb org len sedap2 je pijak pale aq...apelah...(T.T) cdih aq...sob5x
Menarik tak?? Sila tekan button LIKE dibawah..TQ
citer ni mmng cdey gle...bnyak kali dah aq tngok...lbey2 ag ble tngok part penelope mrayu kat max soh kawen ngn die...but then u noe,max refused...he said i can't...penelope trduduk n then trus nangis...ape perasaan ko ble sume laki yg ko jmpe..ble nmpk je ko trus brtmpiarn lari...rse truk kn...kecewa...huhu
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