Sunday, December 30, 2012

mIsSion aCcompliShEd

Did u see what i'm trying to show u in this pic? whai i mean by mission accomplished?? are u curious??? ceh,  mcm wat variety show it bout the white myvi?? it bout the trees??? it bout the cloud??? noooppp....or is it about the date???? yg tnye aq yg jwb....hahaha....ok...x pe x leh jawab...meh aq zoom lg gmbo ni....


it is actually bout this water tank....hehehehe   zaman sekolah dulu kan...sape yang ber
 jaya dapat panjat tangki ni memang dikira sebagai budak jahat pn x tau nape...sedangkn tangki air kat sekolah aku dulu x dela setinggi mane pn tringin nk panjat tangki air kat sekolah aq kan budak baik zaman sekolah dulu...x de sape berani nak ajak aku wat jahat....muka innocent....hehehe....BUT NOWWWW!!!!

aq dah berjaya pnjat tangki air boleh panggil aku budak jahat la sekarang....hehehe...x delah.....dah tangki air tu x de aq x menceroboh la maksudnye....hahahaha...gelak jahat...sib bek pak guard x pasan kteorg kat atas ni...lau x...abis lah kteorg kne week org lain panjat tangki...hahahaha...tapi best lah dok kat atas tu...lau bleh bungee jumping...lagiiiiiiiiii bestt....u not fear of height???? of coz noppp....ceh, bajet brani plak....

NEXT MISSION.....guesss what???? hehehehe....

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Sunday, December 23, 2012

oWL wEek

oWL wEek or in malay is MINGGU BURUNG HANTU is a common week among the students happened every sem during study week...when the dateline for the projects is on exactly the same hook or by crook, we need to do it in one night...dats why during that week....we can see a lot of owl with their eyes wide open flying around the hostel and cafe just trying to complete the works...same goes with me...i   had been awake for the 3 continues night without a proper sleep...

but when we succesfully complete our works...i feel like so damn lega.....i juz want to show a few works that i did without sleep and is really worth....

progress report yg bnyak.........

ni lah hasil tender dokumen yg aq wat smpai x tdo mlm.......

tebal tak??

and an utmost appreciation to my beloved printer dat always there for me for the whole nite.....

p/s: yg x de bdk gemok je....=(

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