Thursday, April 28, 2011

mIsS tHeSe oLd tV sEries

i juz finished my third paper today....another one paper left...i'm kinda excited...well coz i can see the view of my home now....i had another three days free bfore my last paper...what i'm gonna do with these 3 days?? stdying.....i'm not a hardcore type of study...i really luv to stdy last minute...procrastinate first...enjoy first..n then burn my midnite oil....really2 not an excellence type....

n then i remember about ump sharing...what else.....donlot la tv series n movies bnyk3......sib bek UMP ni ade sharing site....kome ade x???? hahaha.....snng nk dpt bekalan movies kat cni...lbeyh3 lagi citer korea n jepun....mmng brlambak2...kadang2 aq rase cam UMP ni dah jd medan publisiti artis korea...some sort lar...

the main point bout my entry today is i wanna share some of my old fevret tv series....time aq skolah rendah dulu...mase tu full time kat rumah....masa skolah menengah aq dah x dok umah...dah mnetap kt asrama...lbeyh kurang umo 9-12 tahun lar....time tu drama2 korea ni x meletop lagi...pas winter sonata n autumn in my heart bru la drama korea mula nk meletop....lbeyh kurang era2 cm2 lah some of my fevret tv series....

1. X-Files...
kisah pasal 2 agen FBI yg pnah kne culik ngn alien....i really like this couple...they look sweet together....sme2 mmbongkar misteri kewujudan alien....cter ni gak jd feveret series famili aq tau....stiap mnggu msti tngok citer ni sme2 smbil kat ruang tamu smbil ttup lampu...spaya suasana seram tu ade....

2. Popular
aq x bpe ingat citer ni sbb aq x bpe ikot....mse tu aq skolah rendah kot....citer ni tayang tngah2 mlm lak tu...kul 12 lau x clap....mne lar aq x ikot sngat...yg aq tau citer ni pasal bdak high school....

3. Dawson's Creek
ni pon sme....sme spesis ngn citer popular td...mse ni katie holmes sweet sngt...mmng mde remaja skang dah jd mak dah len...aura tu dah brubah...act dawson's creek ni nme tmpat...kat canada lau x clap aq...

4. Angel
ni plak citer pasal vampire....i really like the hero....he's kinda macho and cool...with his innocent look....citer ni fevret aq ngn kakak aq...mse skolah dlu kan ari jumaat tu time utk bsuh kasut ptih aq mlm tu aq cpt2 bsuh kasut spaya x trlepas citer angel ni....i still remeber that memory...

5. Gilmore Girls
aq suka tngok citer ni sebab aq suka tngok pelakon pompuan nye...alexis bledis...kiut sngt....sngt simple and not so sexy...lagi satu pelakon lakinye yg skang jd plakon pujaan ku...hehehe! sape lg lau bukan Jared Padalecki @ Dean dlm citer ni.....time ni la aq start suka Jared....ble die blakon dlm supernatural...lagi la suke...i luv Jared!!!!!!!!lagi satu...perkatan yg aq blaja dri citer ni aq still ingat.....STUBBORN....

6. Charmed
citer ni pon best mmng suke citer2 yg magic, misteri and out of normal life....kisah pasal 3 adik bradik yg dilahir ade kuasa magic....Phoebe, Piper and Prue....citer ni dri dorng mude remaja smpai la dah kawen and ade anak....ntah ade bpe seasons aq pon x ingat...

7. Sabrina The Teenage Witch
ni edition yg lawak and ske tngok sabrina sebab die x sarat or simple and live her life to the fullest....yg pling mnarik pasal citer ni ialah kucing hitam sabrina name Salem yg bleh brcakap....kucing hitam die tu klau x clap aq kne sumpah jd kucing hitam....comel je...tu sebab dlu aq pon ade kucing hitam...nme nye Tam ntah hilang ke mne....he disappeared juz like trace at all....

alright...inilah serba sedikit pasal tv series yang pnah jd fevret aq mse zmn bdak2 dlu...zaman x period lagi...hihihi....sebnarnye bnyk lg tp yg ni je yg aq still ingat smpai skarang.....n bcoz of this tv series i tend to luv english so bad....i learn a lil bit of new words dri tv series ni la....bru skang aq sdar...i should take TESL instead of engineering...cehhhhh....bjet english bagus sngat...pasan je aq.....=)
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Thursday, April 7, 2011

pEng You

fuyooooo.......bleh tahan gak mamat ni....well ni la emil baru knal masa kelas mandarin last mlm tadi...kat kelas tadi x de pun touching2 even dah tau smlm kelas last...tapi bila dah balik bilik...dok sorng2...n then tringat blik lagu peng you yg kteorng nyanyi rmai time jd sentimental....ase sedih...x leh dah jmpe laoshi yg dedicated and murah ngn markah tu....hopefully sbjek mandarin aq leh dpt gred yg baek punyeeeee...insyaallah....
doakan aq test mandarin 11/4 ni....

n then pas trpegi interview sekretariat expoconvo....mule2 ase cm x nak...sbb x de ble pk2 blik...smpai ble aq nak ikot kawan...kawan kite bkan sume ade minat yg sama cm kite....x kan la sbab x de kwn aq nak lpaskn pluang yg ade cm2 aq pn branikan dri pegi interview....dlmkepala otak...apelah org tu nak tnye ni bkan orng yg spontan....tnye time tu leh jwb time tu ni jnis kne pk lme2 du....bru leh dpt idea yg de booommm....ok lar...senang ckp..biar lah aq lampi ckit...kuikuikui!! kantoi d c2...
anyway...x kesah la...asalkan aq dah pegi n dah kne intrview dah pun...bnyk mende gak yg aq dpt time interview tu....antaranya:

1. aq dapat latih diri utk interview kje mse depan beb....mse depan x mnunggu kite....cri ia smpai dpt...
2. aq dapat kenalpasti kelemahan diri aq....lau dah tau diri tu lampi....generate lar otak tu supaya dpt berfikiran spontan,kreatif and kritis....
3. first time msuk pejabat MPP kot...excited tibe2....cntik gak..x cm dolu2 time 1st aq msuk sbb nk bli tket bas tu...haha
4. dapat kembangkan otak aq yg makin mengecut ni....lau dlu aq x tau satu habuk pn psal expoconvo ke...karnival ape ke...langsung x tau sbbkn interview tau lar ckit2 psl bnde ni kan....x dela cm katak bwh tempurung jer...
5. dpt knal ngn org2 yg agak orng2 yg meng interview aq ni....nampak matured bkan org yg dah keje....

tu lar serba sedikit yg aq dapat....lau boleh aq nak involve ngn bnyak ag prasaan takot tu mnyelubungi diri aq yg kerdil n x pandai pk...lau aq aktif....pelajaran aq cmne....rmai yg nak lari involve ngn aktiviti bile nak akhir2 sem ni...sbabkan bnyak esemen ngn test sume......sume surrender...smpai kn aq sndri jd takot nak pegi program tu.....yelah....dah sume cm nak stdy gle2 utk test pn jd serba salah nk g ke x....ya Allah...permudahkna segala2 nya.... x mengharap lansung dpt lpas utk interview juz doa supaya diberi ape yg terbaek....dats mean lau yg terbaek utk aq ialah x mm bz kan dri ngn aktiviti2 terima je....sebab aq yakin ngn apa yg Allah bg pd aq.....juz usaha...tawakkal n berdoa.......

p/s: aq sbnarnye tertarik ngn lagu ni sebab tema video klipnye nye smngat team dlm rugby....hehehe....nampak menarik.....i loikeee....
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Monday, February 28, 2011

WhO's sHe??

I think most of the malaysian now already know who she is...i found out about her in numerous blog...and i bet that not only me talking bout her recentky...she's pretty, hot, gorgeous and not a malay but a muslim...i dunno if she can speak malay but her name is not a malay name....the pretty lady i'm talking about is......


look..i can see some of you out there saying "OOOww, that girl...". she's quite famous nowadays because of her designing talent...not a common designer but a hijab designer...when i saw her for the first time...i feel like..."Woww,she's pretty and cute....if i didn't saw her in the first place...and juz knowing her name...i might think that she's a common designer and not a muslim....
what make me more shocked is ...she's not a malay mix...but a japanese and english...i'm so curious how she decided to convert and becoming a muslim....i really want to know the story behind it....

during class...i started to ask a few of my friends about her...did they know who's hana tajima...then, most of them didn't know...i felt really disappointed...maybe i ask the wrong person...i should ask someone that trendy and more fashion manic next time...of coz they might know about her..

then, i try to search thru google and blog...what i found is her full name and her career...she's also a friend of Yuna...but not much into her personal's stated there she's converted 4 years ago...unfortunately not much info i can get...

after a few trial of searching...then i figured out new information...she's i know how she's converted...maybe her husband is a muslim...but that not certain yet...i still need to curiosity level is high right now...i dunno why i damnly curious bout her...maybe because of her beauty and talent...she's the designer and she's the model...really2 impressive...and the most highligted here is she's wearing hijab and a muslim....

but some of her pictures look sexy...even she's covered up her whole body...but the sexiness aura is still there..that's why my friend used to say that a woman even wearing tudung and baju kurung still look sexy in man's's really make me goosebump...


i give up...i'm not a hardcore paparazi trying to digging out famous people personal life....if i know anything more in the future..i let u know....i hope that i can get her picture with her husband and maybe child...but i couldn't found sad....that's all for today...till we meet again...c ya!!!

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Saturday, February 5, 2011

tHrilliNg niTe riDe....

i'm back in my campus...UMP Gambang...cold and damp here...musim bnjir katekan...

i had a very thrilling journey last nite on my way back to pahang...mak aq dah marah aq amik bas malam ni...she was worried about me a lot...but me..with my stubborn head...thinking bout not to burden my dad..took a very maniac decision to take that nite ride...lagi pon...tiket ari len sume dah trpakse la aq amik tket jumaat malam...mak aq soh amik pagi...tapi aq x nak...sebab awal sngt pagi aq amik la tket,,b42 ni pon aq dah pnah amik tket i think dat nothing will goin' to be i clever??...cehh,, stupid decision i think...

nak dijadikan pnye lar syok tdo dlm bas...yg sejuk nak mampos tu...sampai x prasan bas dah lepas tol gambang...sedar2 aq dah kat ngn kem batu 10...on the way nak ke kuantan dude....dah trlepas ump....terkejot beruk aq...x kn lar aq nk nek teksi pg2 buta cmni...glerr x fon mak aq trus...klau fon mau mak aq risau...

tuhan tu maha kuasa...even aq hadapi msalah cmni...sib bek still ade solution...rupe2nye bkn aq sorng dak ump dlm bas tu...ade lar 4,5 org...dorng lar yg pelawa aq nek teksi sme2...mmng aq brsyukur gler la time tu...dlm ati....
ALHAMDULILLAH....i'm safe mom!!

dah smpai blik bru aq kol mak tau perkara sebenar...sib bek mak aq x ar...pg2 buta...mak aq ngh mamai kot time tu...ahaaha!!

now i'm sound n safe in my room...eating only munchy oat krunch...with an expired soy rich...terkejot aq tngok tarikh luputnye 10 nov ble aq bukak...still pn bantai jela...minum je air's okeyy...perut aq kebal...hope so!!

sian aq...dok cni dah x dpt makan nasik....uhuk3!! (T.T)

nampak x...30 Nov 2010...dah 3 bln lepas...berani mati aq minum air ni...skit perot tanggung sndri la dol...huhu!!

ari ni aq malas gler nak kua blik...even nak trun kafe bli makanan pn malas...sib bek aq bli bnyak product bwk blik cni..bantai product2 aq tu jela...satu back pack aq pnuh ngn makanan...peduli lar org nak pnggil ninja turtle pon...asalkn aq ade bekalan...x yah la aq susah2 bli makanan kt kuantan or kt ina shoppe yg mahal nk mampos tu...huahuahua!!!!

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