i just came back from Sg. Besi after sending off my brother to his maktab....and then..otw to his maktab....i found something that i never realised before...
hehe!! i found a lot of my name....SIERRAMAS...and also D'SARA (damansara)...i was so excited to see my name...well not usually to found out my name on the roadside...
aq jarang g anta adik aq..so agak kejakunan bila aq nampak name aq kat papantanda tepi jalan tu....as a conclusion...
aq bangga dengan nama aq....wawawa!!
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NeVeR LeT dE sPiriT DiE...kEeP tHem aLIVe..... bowrinkkk.....and.....annoyinkk....
Friday, June 25, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
pagi semalam kan aq mimpi best lar....trbwk2 di jaga ku....aq terjaga pagi tu terus tersenyum2...cam real beb...aq ingat memang btol2...tapi rupe2 nye...mimpi plak...hampehhhh....
actually...aq mimpi kawan skolah menengah aq dlu...i dunno y i dream bout her...she my bff...maybe long time no c so she appeared in my dream....dah x ingat nak tulis ape...sebab semalam punye mimpi kan...ag pon mimpi ni bukan boleh ingat sume pon...just certain part i remember...the rest just in my mind...in blurry state....
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