sharp on 12.00am tonight...i'll turn 20 years...i'm not TEENagers anymore...coz no more teen word on my age...hehe!! cdih ni...klau bleh nk jd remaje selame-lame nye...
tp x leh...
ooo..btw...bout the surprise party....actually...x de pon...a surprise party 4 me is only happen if my parents pay a visit here...but...impossible mom will come to pahang...juz to celebrate my birthday...i should realise that...n never hope 4 anything...klau lar btol mak n ayah aq nk dtg weekend snggup cncel sume rancangan aq sb2 n ahad ni..termasok lar x g wataniah...even mnggu ni ade abseiling pon x pe snggup korban kn...n bout my license snggup tangguh kan...'s ok...what can i do...let me feel neglected n abondoned here....ape bleh buat...blaja punye pasal...i juz wish all my fairytale dream will come true...a never ending happily ever after...
" As written in blog i read from friends near and far...
we move from one place to another...bringing along sweet memories
and hopes which we want to share...Like a speck of dust blowing
in the wind....we search for uncertainties and direction for our future....
One day we will realise that making mistake is part of growing up...
Whether we like it or not...we have to make our choice and face all the
obstacles in continuing thie inevitable journey...A journey which will
take us to a new place and which will take us"
H.O.M.E x ayat ni...well ni ayat lynn dlm citer KAMI the tkar ckit2 aytnye...dlm episode 2...yg tag citer nye...
"HIDUP INI MEMANG PALAT TAPI ESOK MASIH ADA"...ayatnye dalam aq g salin subtitle dpt lar BI nye...hehe!!x de keje dah aq...jmpe je ayat best2...
tlis dlm buku...i'm addicted to words...

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