now...everyone check ur fingers...doesn't matter u r a boy or a gal...boleh je nk cek...sbb bg pemahaman aq lar...macho means brave n being gentleman...but gay in the other word means a pnah tengok citer ape tah...pelakon tu ckp...
HeY dude...You're such a gay!!!
i thought dat he was a homo...but then i realised that he mentioned of being coward...bru lar aq tau....
so pasni...korang tarik la jari manis korang tu kasi jadi panjang ek...haha!!x ksah la tarik ngn playar ke...wat plastic surgery ke...asal kn tergolong dlm golongn macho...x gitu?? ke ade yg nk jadi gay...terpulang lar pd empunye dri...i juz check mine...and the result is....
mesti lar macho....hehe!!
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NeVeR LeT dE sPiriT DiE...kEeP tHem aLIVe..... bowrinkkk.....and.....annoyinkk....
Friday, March 19, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
SuRpRise PaRty....?
sharp on 12.00am tonight...i'll turn 20 years...i'm not TEENagers anymore...coz no more teen word on my age...hehe!! cdih ni...klau bleh nk jd remaje selame-lame nye...
tp x leh...
ooo..btw...bout the surprise party....actually...x de pon...a surprise party 4 me is only happen if my parents pay a visit here...but...impossible mom will come to pahang...juz to celebrate my birthday...i should realise that...n never hope 4 anything...klau lar btol mak n ayah aq nk dtg weekend snggup cncel sume rancangan aq sb2 n ahad ni..termasok lar x g wataniah...even mnggu ni ade abseiling pon x pe snggup korban kn...n bout my license snggup tangguh kan...'s ok...what can i do...let me feel neglected n abondoned here....ape bleh buat...blaja punye pasal...i juz wish all my fairytale dream will come true...a never ending happily ever after...
" As written in blog i read from friends near and far...
we move from one place to another...bringing along sweet memories
and hopes which we want to share...Like a speck of dust blowing
in the wind....we search for uncertainties and direction for our future....
One day we will realise that making mistake is part of growing up...
Whether we like it or not...we have to make our choice and face all the
obstacles in continuing thie inevitable journey...A journey which will
take us to a new place and which will take us"
H.O.M.E x ayat ni...well ni ayat lynn dlm citer KAMI the tkar ckit2 aytnye...dlm episode 2...yg tag citer nye...
"HIDUP INI MEMANG PALAT TAPI ESOK MASIH ADA"...ayatnye dalam aq g salin subtitle dpt lar BI nye...hehe!!x de keje dah aq...jmpe je ayat best2...
tlis dlm buku...i'm addicted to words...
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tp x leh...
ooo..btw...bout the surprise party....actually...x de pon...a surprise party 4 me is only happen if my parents pay a visit here...but...impossible mom will come to pahang...juz to celebrate my birthday...i should realise that...n never hope 4 anything...klau lar btol mak n ayah aq nk dtg weekend snggup cncel sume rancangan aq sb2 n ahad ni..termasok lar x g wataniah...even mnggu ni ade abseiling pon x pe snggup korban kn...n bout my license snggup tangguh kan...'s ok...what can i do...let me feel neglected n abondoned here....ape bleh buat...blaja punye pasal...i juz wish all my fairytale dream will come true...a never ending happily ever after...
" As written in blog i read from friends near and far...
we move from one place to another...bringing along sweet memories
and hopes which we want to share...Like a speck of dust blowing
in the wind....we search for uncertainties and direction for our future....
One day we will realise that making mistake is part of growing up...
Whether we like it or not...we have to make our choice and face all the
obstacles in continuing thie inevitable journey...A journey which will
take us to a new place and which will take us"
H.O.M.E x ayat ni...well ni ayat lynn dlm citer KAMI the tkar ckit2 aytnye...dlm episode 2...yg tag citer nye...
"HIDUP INI MEMANG PALAT TAPI ESOK MASIH ADA"...ayatnye dalam aq g salin subtitle dpt lar BI nye...hehe!!x de keje dah aq...jmpe je ayat best2...
tlis dlm buku...i'm addicted to words...
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Tuesday, March 16, 2010
KoNsert AbAng PeJal iN HerE...
yeay2!!.....bulan 4 ni ada konsert abg pejal...seronok nyeee!! hahaha!! poyo abis lar aku...tiket pun tak beli lagi....nak tunggu last minit...tengok2 kang..tiket habis lak...melepas aku nak tengok abang pejal live in concert...ada orang cakap muka abang pejal ni sebijik macam ayah dia...encik tahir....encik tahir ni bukan calang2 orang...profesor tu...tapi aku tak penah nampak pun....aku yang malas nak cari...atau pun....dia dah tukar kot....aku pun tak tau...wallah hualam...
tengah fikir ni..nak pergi ke tak nak ek...dahlah hari tu aku terlepas nak tengok mini jam...bab2 konsert ni kalau boleh memang la nak pergi...tapi aku tanya kawan2 aku...nak pergi ke tak nak...semua geleng...taulah dah biasa pergi konsert...tak macam aku ni hah!! tak penah pergi mana2 konsert lagi...ehh!! jap2...konsert nasyid penah lar...kalau lar ada yan sekarang ni mesti bestkan...yan..bila nak pergi gig sama2..hehe!!
apa pros and cons kalau aku pergi:
1. bila lagi aku nak pergi konsert abg pejal...dah ada peluang takkan nak lepas kot
2. tapi assignment banyak...nanti duduk kat konsert tu asyik ingat assignment je
3. duit ada lagi ke ni nak beli tiket...
4. bawa manfaat ke tak pada aku ek...
5. kalau aku pergi..tak payahlah aku susah2 nak keluar...jalan kaki pun dah sampai
konsert tu...kompleks sukan je pun...huahuahua!!
6. final exam dah nak ke konsert??
7. kalau crowded2 ni aku tak biasa sangat..
8. X__X
nantilah aku fikir dalam-dalam...confuse aku...macam mane ni...
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Thursday, March 11, 2010
a StoRy of WeAlth, LoVe and SucCesS III
amboi...the story is already in part 3....since i'm free right now so better i post this story least, i've got something to do in this 1 hour period..before my technical writing class start at 2 pm this evening...kelas english pun juz buat TELL ME MORE...i don't wanna sleep in this very short period even i really felt to...nnti kepala aq pening....nak pergi kelas pn tak semangat...x best la mcm tu....
ok2...let's continue ouR story...
The woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband was overjoyed. "How nice!", he said. "Since that is the case, let us invite WEALTH. Let him come and fill our home with WEALTH!"
His wife disagreed. "My dear, why don't we invite SUCCESS?"
Their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the house. She jumped in her own suggestion: "Would it not be better to invite LOVE? Our home will then filled with LOVE!"
"Let us heed our daughter-in-law's advice," said the husband to his wife.
"Go out and invite LOVE to be our guest."
The woman went out and asked the three old men, "Which one of you is LOVE? Please come in and be our guest."
LOVE got up and started walking toward the house. The other two old men also got up and followed him. Surprised, the lady asked WEALTH anh SUCCESS: "I only invited LOVE, why are you coming in?"
The old men replied together: "If you had invited WEALTH or SUCCESS, the other two of us would've stayed out, but since you invited LOVE, wherever He goes, we go with him.
Wherever there is LOVE, there is also WEALTH and SUCCESS.
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ok2...let's continue ouR story...
The woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband was overjoyed. "How nice!", he said. "Since that is the case, let us invite WEALTH. Let him come and fill our home with WEALTH!"
His wife disagreed. "My dear, why don't we invite SUCCESS?"
Their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the house. She jumped in her own suggestion: "Would it not be better to invite LOVE? Our home will then filled with LOVE!"
"Let us heed our daughter-in-law's advice," said the husband to his wife.
"Go out and invite LOVE to be our guest."
The woman went out and asked the three old men, "Which one of you is LOVE? Please come in and be our guest."
LOVE got up and started walking toward the house. The other two old men also got up and followed him. Surprised, the lady asked WEALTH anh SUCCESS: "I only invited LOVE, why are you coming in?"
The old men replied together: "If you had invited WEALTH or SUCCESS, the other two of us would've stayed out, but since you invited LOVE, wherever He goes, we go with him.
Wherever there is LOVE, there is also WEALTH and SUCCESS.
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a StoRy of WeAlth, LoVe and SucCesS II
ok....i think skarang dah bleh mybe tenet x dpt kot... tu sbb x bleh nk paste citer yg mnarik ni...hehe!! hopefully u enjoy dis ni bkan aq yg tlis sndri cume share ape yg aq ase menarik je...nnti ade org tuduh aq plagiarismer plak.... we go...
A woman came out of her house and saw three old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them. She said "I don't think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat."
"Is the man of teh house home?", they asked.
"No", she replied. "He's out."
"Then we cannot come in", they replied.
In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened.
"Go tell them I am home and invite them in!"
The woman went out and invited the men in.
"We do not go into a House together," they replied.
"Why is that?" she asked.
One of the old men explained: " His name is Wealth," he said pointing to one of his friends, and said pointing to another one, "He is Success, and I am Love." Then he added, "Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home?"
wait....!! i am tired write all of this story again..actually...i cannot copy and paste dis i need to type back...i will continue after this....mybe tomorrow....i wanna sleep....don't worry..i'll never break my promise....okey dokie...tadaaaa!!
Menarik tak?? Sila tekan button LIKE dibawah..TQ we go...
A woman came out of her house and saw three old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them. She said "I don't think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat."
"Is the man of teh house home?", they asked.
"No", she replied. "He's out."
"Then we cannot come in", they replied.
In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened.
"Go tell them I am home and invite them in!"
The woman went out and invited the men in.
"We do not go into a House together," they replied.
"Why is that?" she asked.
One of the old men explained: " His name is Wealth," he said pointing to one of his friends, and said pointing to another one, "He is Success, and I am Love." Then he added, "Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home?"
wait....!! i am tired write all of this story again..actually...i cannot copy and paste dis i need to type back...i will continue after this....mybe tomorrow....i wanna sleep....don't worry..i'll never break my promise....okey dokie...tadaaaa!!
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a StoRy of WeAlth, LoVe and SucCesS
i juz found out an interesting story to share...since it's already in i can juz copy and paste it here...i got this story from my FB...thanks to dat person for giving me dis very nice story...i really2 appreciate dat...and for those dat already heard this kind of's ok...u can ignore dis post...
aik....x leh paste plak dah....opps sorry guys...i'll post it later...i'll type it back.....
to be continue...!!
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aik....x leh paste plak dah....opps sorry guys...i'll post it later...i'll type it back.....
to be continue...!!
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kEkeriNgaN + KekOntaNgaN
nothing to say...n nothing to share...i juz feel helpless recently...lots of survey work...and much more sun bath....according to my english lec...she said dat..."matahari skrng ni da x elok lagi...better protect yourself from the dangerous sun ray..."
mmng pon...mcm2 pnyakit aq dpt dlm keadaan kekeringan ni...skarang ni pon dah musin jerebu...kne ape bleh buat...dah mmng tanngungjawab aq sbgai pelajar awam utk terdedah pd bahang matahari...ulser pon da smakin merebak...nak senyum pon da x leh dah...sakettt woookk...yg plik nye...dlm keadaan panas giler ni aq bleh kne selesema....tekak ase kering n gatal2...ermmm...should i go to UKP juz to check out my health condition...??
ase malas la plak nk g cek2 nk pcah rekod x nk g UKP for the whole of my studying period...i mean for another 3 years....insyaallah...bleh kot...5 tahun aq kat skolah dlu x pnah skali pon aq g hospital...kat matrik pon i bleh pertahan kan rekod aq....doakan aq x nk saket...biar la saket ati je...pelan2 bleh kalau badan da saket...kebarangkalian nk sembuh tu susah kot...nak blaja pon susah.... birthday is coming up...but i never felt anything special bout it...kelahiran aq ke dnia ni 20 tahun yg lpas x bemakne ape2 klau aq x leh jd someone....kadang2 aq trpk gak...what is the purpose of me born into dis world...yet...i still being grateful to be living in dis world and experiencing many obstacles and painful....
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mmng pon...mcm2 pnyakit aq dpt dlm keadaan kekeringan ni...skarang ni pon dah musin jerebu...kne ape bleh buat...dah mmng tanngungjawab aq sbgai pelajar awam utk terdedah pd bahang matahari...ulser pon da smakin merebak...nak senyum pon da x leh dah...sakettt woookk...yg plik nye...dlm keadaan panas giler ni aq bleh kne selesema....tekak ase kering n gatal2...ermmm...should i go to UKP juz to check out my health condition...??
ase malas la plak nk g cek2 nk pcah rekod x nk g UKP for the whole of my studying period...i mean for another 3 years....insyaallah...bleh kot...5 tahun aq kat skolah dlu x pnah skali pon aq g hospital...kat matrik pon i bleh pertahan kan rekod aq....doakan aq x nk saket...biar la saket ati je...pelan2 bleh kalau badan da saket...kebarangkalian nk sembuh tu susah kot...nak blaja pon susah.... birthday is coming up...but i never felt anything special bout it...kelahiran aq ke dnia ni 20 tahun yg lpas x bemakne ape2 klau aq x leh jd someone....kadang2 aq trpk gak...what is the purpose of me born into dis world...yet...i still being grateful to be living in dis world and experiencing many obstacles and painful....
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Friday, March 5, 2010
aNotHer tHirTeeN dAyS......
Restricted, controlled, and trapped...
We look for ways to escape from the crisis and problems which follow us
wherever we go.....
We cannot run away but we have to be brave......
We have to be strong to find ways to look for our freedom and
i'm trying to look 4 my happiness....hopefully it will appear in another 13 days...i juz wait and see...not 4get for those whose born in March...i have a few facts about your personality according to Dato' Dr. Fadzilah Kamsah....almost accurate but not all....
1. Personaliti yg mnarik......=)
2. Mudah didampingi......=)
3. Sangt pemalu n pemendam rase....=)
5. Jujur, pemurah n mudah simpati.....=)
6. Sngt sensitif pd perkataan yg dituturkan n alam sekitar...=)
7. Suka pd kedamaian......=)
8. Sngt peka pd org len.....=(
9. Sesuai dngn kerjaya yg beri khidmat pd org len....=(
10. Tidak cpt marah n sngt amanah....=)
11. Tahu balas budi n tau kenang budi.....=)
12. Pemerhatian n penilaian yg sngt tajam....=)
13. Kecenderungn utk berdendam jika tidak dikawal....=)
14. Suka berangan-angan....=)
15. Suka melancong....=(
16. Sangt manja n suka diberi perhatian yg sngt tinggi...=)
17. Kelam kabut dlm memilih pasangan...=(
18. Suka dngn hiasan rumah tangga...=)
19. Punya bakat seni dalam bidang muzik...=)
20. Kecenderungan pd bnda yg istimewa n baik...=)
21. Jngn terlalu moody...=)
=) yeahh..dats me
=( not really me
We look for ways to escape from the crisis and problems which follow us
wherever we go.....
We cannot run away but we have to be brave......
We have to be strong to find ways to look for our freedom and
i'm trying to look 4 my happiness....hopefully it will appear in another 13 days...i juz wait and see...not 4get for those whose born in March...i have a few facts about your personality according to Dato' Dr. Fadzilah Kamsah....almost accurate but not all....
1. Personaliti yg mnarik......=)
2. Mudah didampingi......=)
3. Sangt pemalu n pemendam rase....=)
5. Jujur, pemurah n mudah simpati.....=)
6. Sngt sensitif pd perkataan yg dituturkan n alam sekitar...=)
7. Suka pd kedamaian......=)
8. Sngt peka pd org len.....=(
9. Sesuai dngn kerjaya yg beri khidmat pd org len....=(
10. Tidak cpt marah n sngt amanah....=)
11. Tahu balas budi n tau kenang budi.....=)
12. Pemerhatian n penilaian yg sngt tajam....=)
13. Kecenderungn utk berdendam jika tidak dikawal....=)
14. Suka berangan-angan....=)
15. Suka melancong....=(
16. Sangt manja n suka diberi perhatian yg sngt tinggi...=)
17. Kelam kabut dlm memilih pasangan...=(
18. Suka dngn hiasan rumah tangga...=)
19. Punya bakat seni dalam bidang muzik...=)
20. Kecenderungan pd bnda yg istimewa n baik...=)
21. Jngn terlalu moody...=)
=) yeahh..dats me
=( not really me
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